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Everything posted by GigaWhiskey

  1. Is this a Second Gen issue? I never thought any part of my brakes were sensitive. Always thought they were weak or just perfect in a corner.
  2. Could a bearing in the swingarm or upper shock bushing being worn cause enough angle in the rear wheel to cause the disk to rub when the right angle and pressure is applied to it? Any wear marks on the rear disk? I do not know, just pulled someting out of my ***. SOmeone riding next to you may help pinpoint a more direct location of where it might be coming from. heh, that would make kewl video of two first gens laying over in a sweeper next to each other!
  3. All I saw whas the first gen, what were those other bikes? :Im not listening to:Im not listening to:Im not listening to
  4. Really Kewl! No more white knuckle rides!
  5. It took a little extra work getting it to slip back in. I will let ya in on a little thing I did to help it. On the right side, the was a hole in the block. I used a one of those really big nails (the really huge ones) and used it to move it around to help get it back far enough to match the bolts to the threads. Forgot about that nail until you just said something. I did the collector repair too (pulling out the broken baffle). I cut it open with my dremel tool (may it rest in peace - yea, the inside melted while cutting the bottom open. Then cleared it out and had it welded.
  6. :clap2: Glad to hear you went all the way with it! It is a tough job and you will feel better knowing that you accomplished it when you are finished. Doing almost anything on that bike now will feel like a piece of cake! I did that job by myself - Me, the bike and the floor jack. Make sure your torque wrench clicks when it is supposed to. Mine didn't and I stripped the #6 nut on the frame. Glad that side had some thread exposed - enough to put a nut on it and torque it (with a new torque wrench). I put some JB Weld on both nuts to make me feel better. Let me know how things work out!
  7. No. i only wiggled the motor side to side (little twisting action) while pulling (it was being held up by the floor jack). It moved forward maybe 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch. While the motor was twisted a little (upwards I think) I had just enough room to slide the mount in and let her go back in. No, I did not unbolt the drive shaft - it slid forward and then I wiggled it back. I could not comfortably tilt the engine back on the back mounts. Yea, you get to that point and just do it.
  8. If you are talking the bolts that hold the rear pipes to the head itself, I never touched those. Sorry, I got your question all backwards I think. If you are trying to take the pipe of the back of the head, you do not need to even touch them. Just the two clamps above the collector and then drop the collector. With the forward mounts out, I removed the two rear mounts/bolts and wiggled the motor forward as if you were to pull the motor out and off the drive shaft - just did not pull it out too far - in fact, just enough to do the next sentence. Then twisted the motor each side to get the rear solid mounts in. The rear two were easier than the forward ones, just took longer to get to. let me know if I got what you were saying this time.
  9. Those were not that hard actually, there were other pains in the whole task. I did have to force it up abit. Prolly because I did new crush gaskets, clamps, bolts and washers. I think that saved me a ton of headache. I dremmeled the pipes down a bit too, to remove the rust buildup - may have given a little more room to play with. I can't remember if I had it threaded abit before slipping the collector up. You may be able to get a long screwdriver up behind them to push against. Hope that helps.
  10. I didn't add mine back, it wont fit. I am sure some have machined it to fit but I did not. I was hard enough to get it to all line up. But then I did all six so there was no give!
  11. And I though $1200 would have been cheap, $700 would be great! I had quick quotes of $1800+. But then, I want it close to original. Kinda like the brownie.
  12. Cowpuc, back when I was 16, I purchased a '72 Kawasaki 750 H2 and noticed the front end was not straight. They did what you said. About 300 yards down the the freeway, I was watching the bike spark as I was doing somersaults next to it. Boss, just be sure sure to tighten them bolts right or you might see a front end wobble where the suction on your seat wont hold you to it!
  13. I have the chrome covers to block rocks. Seem to be fine as i have not seen any rock damage. I am surprised someone would chose the rubber boots over the chrome covers if these were a choice unles the choice was not there that year. I didn't pay that much attention to the length of the both when I put them in. They must have looked adequate if I put them in/on. Get some longer bolts.
  14. I am curious, how did you figure out your tubes were bent? I know you said you had an issue with a deer but how did you know? What issues are you having with them bent?
  15. All that intake stuff is pricey but nice! They got some really kewl items for dressing them up. Wonder if some of that stuff will fit the VR. The billet elbow in front of the water pump along with the different engine covers are really kewl!
  16. I have not had mine out or seen any with my eyes but some of those teeth do not look too great (top right and middle right of big image). I think I see pits and broken tips of some of those teeth. Thar be rust in ther too.
  17. Boots? The SuperBrace fit right in on mine. The only rubber near ther eon mine are the rubber caps on top of the sleeves.
  18. ...a whole different setup that hooks into the helmets headsets on a 1st Gen? Something like J & M's bar mounted CB, XM Radio & GPS and connect an iPod that pipes through the helmets headsets and still utilizes the external speakers? And, are able to talk on their Cell Phone? What have you done? What do you recommend? How has it worked out? Do you have any pics? Wife was considering getting me XM, I want a CB and I want a set of headsets for a pair of Full Face helmets. GPS is optional at this point in time as I can't really get away and use i until the kids get a little older.
  19. To me, there is a wobble and an oscillation. Two completely different beasts and both have the ability to take you down with it. A wobble is like a front end shimmy that you feel in the handlebars and an oscillation is when the whole bike goes like there is a hinge in the middle. A wobble can be a tire issue, warped disks, soft forks, front end bearings, and maybe a few other things. An oscillation, that is felt in a sweeper or on woopt-de-doos on old paved non-flat roads. This can be weak motor mounts along with frame flex and/or a loose rear end (bearings, bushings, weak spring, etc..) or as much as a cracked or broken frame (famous on 83's). Decide what you really have and review those posts for suggestions and ideas to resolve the issue you are really having. Denden & mbrood are the sharp ones, along with many others on this forum, on this issue. They may discount some of what I am saying and there has been a big discussion on the difference. Personally, i think I am right on if not close or at least have an idea. That's my .08 cents worth and I am sticking with it! I had a High Speed oscillation and the part that took 95% of it away was adding the 6 solid engine mounts. the Superbrace made no change. I still need to go after the rear spring and bushings as well as do the Fubur fix to find the last 5%.
  20. If a philips head or two gets stripped, you can dremel a slot in the head so you can get a flat head head screw driver in there. NAPA had some bolts to replace them but they were pink. They should findable at a nut n bolt shop like Fastenal. I had to use my air compessor to pop the idle screws out so I could get some cleaner in there and then blow it out later.
  21. Have you had someone check ya to see if you are dog tracking? Maybe you have a crack in the frame which changes the alignment of the front and rear tire. I do not know, just guessing. 83's have been known to have frame issues. What does that weight in the handlebar do? Could that do it?
  22. From what I have seen, when they ran out, they plain ran out. I believe you can get vent wings, seats and seats with a drivers backrest (did not like what I saw though). I have seen antennae mods but those were basically firesticks. At the moment, eBay is the place and then those finds on craigslist. Other than that, I really do not know.
  23. Now if we can get Squidley to start milling and chroming the goodies!!!!! He may have a perty good business and we all would be goodified!
  24. NEway of getting the original key type? Getting tired of the old worn out non-yamaha key that I use.
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