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Everything posted by GigaWhiskey

  1. Now that I finally get what you are saying, I would have prolly asked if he needed help if he didn't look like he wanted to take me out or snatch my 1st gen. I do not think i would have offered to buy him a battery.
  2. GeorgeS's article in the Tech Library. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=8296
  3. Putting the motor back in? Wonder why you did not just go with the solid mounts while YOU WERE THERE anyway. They do make it look nicer in those areas too.
  4. GigaWhiskey

    Jumps ...

    Not trying to steal your thread Squeeze but I just had to add this. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lSHcLUU_43c&NR=1]YouTube - Grave Digger in San Antonio 2008 - Monster Jam[/ame]
  5. GigaWhiskey

    Jumps ...

    That RAWWWKED!!!!! And Grave Digger was there. Always loved that truck! :1hotsht:
  6. Prolly an ole 80 series Voyager. Without the airbrush.
  7. If you go to Thread Tools at the top of the post, there is an email option also.
  8. You might try a fiche at one of the sites that sell parts. There are some listed in the Forum under vendor section.
  9. Is that an 86 or an 85 in disguise? Those colors look awful close to my 85.
  10. :rotf::rotf:
  11. T'was the wife's choice for a ride! No choice on that one! Actually, a nice nice at that, reallyl ! Now she drives a Pacifica and I have an Intrepid>
  12. Chaos, as perty as that ride is, I cannot stand that tall. I would love to add a 2nd gen to the stable but but my pocketbook is not that fat, not saying that your price is high. Still werkin' on pickin' up a ride for the ole lady. And, that is in the 2k and below range so I can work on it and space the cost out over time. Really, that is nice bike and I like silver! Reminds me of my Z28 I had to give up 'cause the third kid showed up. She was a sleeper like my 1st gen!
  13. The BB should come with something called Desktop Manager. You may be able to install it and pull them on. Dunno if it is downloadable, I would hope it is. If anything, you can use it to do backups of the phone so nothing is lost forever if it crashes.
  14. Thanks for the inputs! Nice VentureLine product there!
  15. Just ordered some parts but saw no discounts. In fact, saw some prices higher than other places. Kind of like another business linked through this site. You get a discount for ordering through them but it still works out more than direct from the dealer. Even his prices end up more than advertised. So, I only get what I absolutely have to from this guy, which may only ever be one thing left.
  16. If you can pull the ringtones off the Samsung on to your desktop, you might be able to transfer them to the BB from the desktop.
  17. Really just curious here. Us drivers on the first gen can put a set of highway pegs on the engine guards for ourselves. Has anyone added a set of pegs on the MKI saddlebag guards for the passenger that did not effect the driver? A curious mind wants to know!
  18. Hmmmmm, now I wonder. A little birdie may have opened my eyes so I have a few questions for you Popeye. Did you actually sell your bike? If so, was it to someone in the US or in Europe? If the buyer was in Europe, is the buyer you are talking about the same as the one you are talking about in this post? Finally, is that really your bike in the attached photos? If so, were those pics taken before you cleaned her up or did they really come from the buyer (either one and not referring to you)? Lastly, did you find the attached pictures somewhere and decided to blow us a bit of sunshine? I seem to remember a VR that lost all of their plastic running about 120mph recently!
  19. I am still looking for a K1 to K8 Honda CB750 in my neck of the woods at a price that i want to spend. You can still find parts for these bikes, even 836 big bore kits with Carrillo rods amongst a barrage of other stuff. NEway, this is much older than my MKI. Technology might be on the wayside here for this type of bike but it is the thrill of it all. Same goes with the MKI/MKII, there is a nice thrill to it at which many of us can afford So, the appeal is in the eyes and heart as well as how deep our pocketbook is for what bike or bikes that you own.
  20. I can go for the above post. If the 2nd gens drop in price, I might be able to add one to my stable. Yes, I would put one foot in the dark side! ------------------ 2nd Gen They need to do away with the cassette and CD player and go with a memory stick type option to load MP3's. There is a small weight reduction when removing both objects. They need to improve the handling characteristics a bit, as I read that is fixed by the bike owners here. The motor is fine as it is but could use a bit more kick. 20 to 30 more horse and equivalent torque should be sufficient. Go to EFI. Too many people and too many bikes having to clean carbs and have fuel delivery related issues. Fix the the drive train noise issues that can be plagued with this bike. Up the electrical ability to support more accessories. Offer more color options. Yamaha seems to have a bad habit of provided a few to one color choice for the year. --------------- 1st Gen (MKI/MKII) Make more parts available and at affordable prices. What great advertisement that their stuff just keeps going and going and going. We know it will but it needs to be far better known. GW's of all ages still on the road and well recognized. People look at mine and wonder what the heck it is (I like that, lol). Bring back the VentureLine products. -------------------- Well, enough of what I wanted to say. I know they only want to hear about the 2nd gen but had to toss mine in too!
  21. I am not convinved it is the same bike from the attached pics and the ones in your gallery. Sure is a lot of space difference on the lower fairing piece, lower fin and radiator. Is that Seagull poop on the front wheel? From the dust/dirt on the attached pics, looks like it has never been taken apart and dusted/cleaned. Form the bikes condition in the pics, i would imagine it to be far cleaner, even if you hadn't dusted in a couple of years.
  22. bookmarked
  23. Ahh Mr. JT. I see you got the goods now. I have been looking at them but not the wad I want to lay out for it. I have seen a few different kinds on Harbour Freight for about $50 to about $180. So, this is the model used that you have linked? There are a few different kinds of kits - one you have to supply the air, anohter comes with one that provides air and the airless type. I got perty good with the plastic weld resin and fiberglass sheets with ny dremel tool (I need a new one as I burnt it out cutting the collector open, Shoulda seen the smoke!) I did fix a hole with the resin the size of a silver dollar up and down and almost two sideways. Good job! Well, the pics you will upload will tell!
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