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Everything posted by GigaWhiskey

  1. If it is something like a YouTube video, do not use the embed option that is provided. Use the other one that looks just like a link. That is how I have been able to get them to post.
  2. I need a sync, er drink. Hmmmm, I need both, lol.
  3. So, since Pokey is gone, are you all Gumby?????
  4. LOL, that is what I call my fingers!
  5. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jOhP1HTZQwY]YouTube - Honda Gold Wing[/ame]
  6. That is the only reason I like it! I have werked IT for 10+ years, got me away from dirty work like working on cars and airplanes. Going home to my MAC's is a blessing. If fix enough Windows machines to make me sick. I am attached to 900+ machines in this building alone, in some form. I am not in the mood to fix anything at home accept a Booker's or Knob Creek on the rocks!
  7. Did he go in his pants?
  8. BART PE is perty sweet. You will need to download Bart PE Developer first. You can clean and repair an XP box. http://www.nu2.nu/pebuilder/ Bart's PE Builder helps you build a "BartPE" (Bart Preinstalled Environment) bootable Windows CD-Rom or DVD from the original Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 installation/setup CD, very suitable for PC maintenance tasks. It will give you a complete Win32 environment with network support, a graphical user interface (800x600) and FAT/NTFS/CDFS filesystem support. Very handy for burn-in testing systems with no OS, rescuing files to a network share, virus scan and so on. This will replace any Dos bootdisk in no time! Then check out the plug-ins that can be added to the disk. http://www.bootcd.us/BartPE_Plugins_Complete.php
  9. All of those parts are still available through Yammy. Just picked up 5 of the 6 vents. Gotta wait for the sixth one, that one is high high high. 1 of 26H-2837X-00-00 - GRILL, air outlet 3 @ $44.79ea. 1 of 26H-2837Y-00-00 - GRILL, air outlet 4 @ $44.79ea. 1 of 26H-2837V-00-00 - GRILL, air outlet 1 @ $44.79ea. 1 of 26H-2837W-00-00 - GRILL, air outlet 2 @ $44.79ea. 1 of 54K-2172Y-02-00 - GRILL, side cover 2 @ $82.83ea.You might some of these a few bucks cheaper.
  10. Mine is push in. I dunno about the around the handle bar choke thing but mine is below the switch. AND, now i know what that button is for on the backside of some of what have been seeing. I do not have that button. I have been looking for controls because all my lettering is gone. Guess I been cleaning more than riding, lol.
  11. Yea, on a rare occasion things do happen to a MAC. But, you can reload the OS in 7 to 15 minutes and be running normal again. No two weeks to put it back the way it was AFTER you re-installed the OS to make it look close to what you had before on Windows. NEway, try Lavasoft and Spybot. They have worked most of the time on any Windows machines I have had. Norton might have a malware plug-in for the AV, I dunno. I know McAfee does. Good luck!
  12. Go wireless with repeaters around the house. Maybe even a high gain omni directional antenna. Then wires really do not become an issue any longer.
  13. 1. Go here - http://www.venturerider.org/modules.php?name=History 83-85 1stGen MKI 86-93 1stGen MKII 94 1stGen MKII Europe I think and a I think remaining 93's 95-98 No Venture 99-Present are the 2ndGen's1stGen was designed to target the Gold Wing. 2ndGen was designed to target Harley Davidson. *Note - Now that you are a 1st Genner, you are required to attack all 2nd Genners with jokes and humor. All in fun! 2. This has been answered in the previous posts. Glad you made it to us! Btw, it is a big bike in many ways!
  14. JT, just get that brownie rolling for the Venture Stampede. That should make a few good days for ya. It will me.
  15. I am usually around 40mpg. Just like in the chart.
  16. Spoke to Rick Butler and he said that they have the same bolt pattern as the VentureLine. Good news for me because on one side the plastic is broken so I took them off and I still have the mounting holes there. I noticed it held the lowers and the uppers together nice and tight.
  17. They haven't responded to my email either. They got their money, still waiting on parts.
  18. Yea, and NO SOLICITATION! Or you will have to deal with JT.
  19. Glad things worked out for you! Just one thing though, most of your post is in Title Case (first letter capped on most of your words). Musta been a workout on the pinky's!
  20. Yanno, the title of this post put me at ease! NEway, cannot make it bud! Sorry!
  21. Most of you might think I carry a crack pipe after this post but maybe, when looking at lower mpg numbers, I would think that it could be related to something else other than the carbs (Not just the carbs by themselves). Here is my thought. Yammy made what, 10/11 years of this bike. What would make you think that Yammy put these engines together exactly the same. I think it could be possible that the internal engine timings might be off a few degrees, either way, to make the difference that many of you are seeing. The reason I had this thought back when I was a youngin, I had a '76 Honda SuperSport 400-4 with very low miles. I downshifted too many gears accidentally and blew a hole int he piston about the size of a dime. I changed the piston and timed it exactly to the specs provided by the manual I was using. After it was back together and running, there was a very noticeable increase in power. THis to me makes me think the manufacturer may have been a bit off on the internal timeing of this motor when it was initially built and mounted in this bike. So, who knows, maybe I got something here, maybe I don't. Pipe is empty now.
  22. I had the opposite problem on mine. Brake fluid got on my buttons and then they started ejecting from the radio. Scared the P out me the first time but it was kewl anyway, lol.
  23. How legitimate is this place. I have not had a shipping notification and they do not answer any of their numbers.
  24. Got to actually use these last night. I turned them on and could not believe how well I could see. Made the real headlight useless! What was also kwl was it outlined my windshield, looked kewl..
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