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Everything posted by GigaWhiskey

  1. Can you recommend a set of dial gauges for me? I think I am over the liquid sync type gauges. Watching that fluid go striaght up and needing to shut the bike off to stop it from sucking it in is a real pain.
  2. Check out this link. It has pictures of it. He is using walmart's platinum burners. Cheap and Bright. http://venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=19714&highlight=driving+light+brackets
  3. There is someone making brakets still for driving lights, cannot remember who. It replaces the horn mount. The horn and lights mount on the same piece. These fit the bike nice and are placed in a very good place for lighting.
  4. At least now you know the bike will STOP when you say so for a long time to come! A much better feeling than OH OH!
  5. Hey Ponch, so sorry for what happened. A helpful way of looking at it is that it is your turn to lead now. It has helped me through both of my losses.
  6. What's funny is the title of your thread and then look at your forum tag. I need not say more!
  7. I am sitting down on my patio having my victory cig. Well, that is what I am calling it. I have em synced, close enough anyway. Went for a short ride. She ran smooth and like a stripped azzed ape to about 6k. Not spitting or backfiring. :big-grin-emoticon: The gauges looked about the same at about 3k, even-wise. Put some gas in the tank and the gas gauge looks good - victory #2 Speedometer works and without a squeal - victory #3 Headlight is much brighter now with that SilverStar - victory #4 All of the dash works - a combined victory. If you remember I had it apart for a lot of things and only one thing left to do - fix that main fuse. I picked up a atc fuse thing to take the place of the bad main fuse holder. That upgrade kit was a complete waste of money to me.
  8. :1hotsht::1hotsht::1hotsht::1hotsht::1hotsht::1hotsht:
  9. Yup, B made the difference. I turned a few times past the resistance of the spring resistance on A, B and C, figuring I was in the ballpark. Then 1 & 3 starting to shoot up when the rpms went below 1k. Turned on B a few more times then all four were steady and holding but not even across. She is a bit hot now, need to let her cool a bit. So, now I have 2, 3 and 4 mostly even on the gauge and 1 is playing with me a bit - has me running from one side of the bike to the other with a tweak here and a tweak there. Throttle response is beginning to feel wads smoother.
  10. When #3 pulls so much vacuum that it pulls the fluid to the top, will A, B or C screw help get it to stop? Yanno, so I can start syncing them. I am trying to sync my carbs and I know they are way out of sync, I sure see why the dial gauges would be a better choice over fluid ones in this situation.
  11. I might give that a whirl Yammer. I have cleaned and blown out the carbs, sealed any vacuum leaks. I listened to some advice about the sync adjustments and it went haywire. I got it back somewhat. That syncpro F'd up and started sucking fluid at idle when trying to calibrate the second time I used it. It may have been off the first time I used a week before. I still need to get in the garage and put that fix kit on it to see if it works. I would hate to think it is a total waste of $100 but it might be, I had backfiring up top, then I had it up and below and now it is below (Below = exhaust). It has always been me fixing this bike with no one else to really bouce things off of face to face. Although I did get help once by lonestarmedic when he soldered my battery light sensor mod, i do not trust my soldering. I read a lot about people going to help people on this site, just never experienced it myself really. Anyway, had no intention of hijacking your thread, I was really glad you got yer scoot going - and maybe giving you a destination if you wanted one, lol. Enjoy her and ignore me for a while, lol
  12. Are the tires brickstones?
  13. I know you live a good ways away but if you go riding and end up out my way, feel free to stop by.
  14. Actually it has been 8 months since I rode it an it was 5 miles from the old house to the new. I am having sync problems, the syncpro broke the second time I used it and Will do the repair kit on it prolly tomorrow. It runs, just like garbage. I wont ride it like that.
  15. Me too! ----------------------- Hey MasterGuns, you can ride over to my place. I could use some inspiration to get mine running too! Plenty of beer in the fridge.
  16. First get healed up! I do have a suggestion for after that and giving yourself time to actually make that decision. After you are healed, pick up an old bike for next to nothing. Restore it or mod it. Doing either you won't be riding it for a year or two but you will have something to tinker with and make your own. When it is complete and you have made your decision, ride it to get some skills back or sell it. If you sell it, you at least had your heart and mind in a bike even though you have not ridden it. It might be soothing to your soul. I enjoyed tinkering with momma's bike and making it fit her.
  17. That bike has nice clean lines. I love the low seat height on it too!
  18. When I went clubin' I used to wear a pair under my levi's. I could lift my package and form it to make it look bigger and it made my a$$ look tighter.
  19. It took them HOW many more cc's to get a few extra ponies?
  20. If there were no bashing each other, where would the fun be!
  21. OMG, a 1st gen looks to be a pleasure to work on after seeing those pics. I am actually considering letting my 1st gen go though. Might look at a 2nd gen but then there is not much out there really, either too sporty or not sporty enough and still have a good 2up bike. I do not know how I could convert from the 1st gen peg position to a 2nd gen floorboard out in front of me position.
  22. Aussie Annie musta embossed his cups.
  23. Not for the faint of heart. You have been pre-warned. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukaHCDIuUPM]YouTube- Halo 3 tea bag funtage[/ame]
  24. I had mine done by Rick, not much lower. I think you might need to see the Chiro reading all the trouble you have had. Rick turned my 30 minute seat into an 8 hour one for me and the misses. My knee's were killing me trying to get up from the floor or outta chair the last few months. One trip to the Chiro and most of it vanished. Saw her again today and again on Wednesday. It'll prolly be all gone by then. Not sayin' you got knee issues, just the wonder of a good and hot Chiro.
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