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Everything posted by GigaWhiskey

  1. I do what Brian does, works very well. I am considering an iPhone but waiting for the 2nd gen to come out. I want to see how I can make it work to have as a music player, phone and GPS (I hear it will be coming with GPS). Then I have one device that acts as many.
  2. I have what JB has in the link provided by Squidley. It was daylight at night when i turned them on. Covered the ditch and the lane next to me. Even made my windshield look like it was a halo. Not one person has flashed their brights at me with those on.
  3. I started reading that. No wonder gas prices go UP for the summer!
  4. GigaWhiskey


    Hey AZ, I see yer from HB. Man, I have not seen that place in years!!! I lived in Midway City and went to two High Schools in HB.
  5. GigaWhiskey


    Yea, I am not a geek and don't do this for a living. Walmart is good to me, specially the cosmetic section!
  6. GigaWhiskey


    Not if it is a corrupted cookie, coold effect one site as it did with my issue related to the theme. I also said that I can't say that it is related. I tmay have been a coincidence that both were resolved at the same time.
  7. GigaWhiskey


    It would not hurt to clear cache and cookies. I noticed issues with a theme and also noticed what y'all are speaking of. Once I did that, all is good. Can't say it is all related though.
  8. GigaWhiskey


    Back now.
  9. GigaWhiskey


    I was fine to me when he started the thread. Now (speed is fine) but the sidebar disappeared and the ad banner up top is gone. I just clicked the New Posts link.
  10. 4 " would be huge.
  11. I am using Walmarts Platinum burners. THey were about $15 and are nice and bright. They look OEM on a 2nd gen and very good on a 1st gen. They are 50 watters (I think) and there is some post on here about where to find 35w bulbs.
  12. Nope, I had a preference for Scotch back then.
  13. When I was about 16, low on money and needed gas, I used to do that. Go into a closed gas station and let the rest of the gas in the lines flow into the tank.
  14. Yea, I like my Boston Acoustic speakers in mine. Note that the magnet is so big I had to trim the plastic guard that went behind came with) the stock and had to put some stuff between the the speaker plate and grill to seal the gap around the edges. Looks like they have gone up, paid around $50 about 8 or 9 years ago.
  15. At least you were able to get out of that one!
  16. And at what DQ are you going to set that up at?
  17. Hey devildog, I gave Yamaha Sports Plaza another chance. Prolly be here in another 8 days. There prices went up I think. They said Yammy went up and so did they. I wouldn't know how to tell the difference between the two metals. Hey Brian, seeing as mine had so much play, I can see where there would be too much pressure at an angle and a small area on mine. Seeing devildogs break skeered me thinking what I would have to fix if mine broke and fell over. She can be a bugger to lift that far over.
  18. AND, How many VR members clicked this link? I did, lol.
  19. Well, we looked yesterday for a bike but could not find anything that we could afford. Money is a little tight when it comes to large dollar items. The 2k a month daycare bill makes it tough. We did come to a compromise that was kewl on both sides. She knows I want an iPhone and that I am waiting for the 2nd gen to come out. When that happens, I get my iPhone and we switch to AT&T, I get to buy a new phone for her. We are going to look for a bike for her still, not trying to be cheap, just knowing that we can only spend so much - do not want to buy one on credit. I still may pickup a scaled down one for her anyway, that is still a kewl idea.
  20. I can see this thread has kinda Ventured (hehe) from the title but I would like to answer the title. Would I buy an RSV again? The answer is NO. Why do I say No you say. Well, I haven't had my first one yet. So, if I had the finances to purchase an RSV for the first time, would I do it? Heck ya I would!
  21. :sign woo hoo: Hey Goose, Thanks for the updated review! I definitely feel much better now! If you want to check them out on a 1st gen for review, c'mon over. Offer is still on the table. Looking forward to your Full Review when you return!
  22. Hey JT, I saw this last night and did not know what to say. I read up on this and really did not know what to say. I still don't know what to say but I feel for you and Jeannie, hope things work out as you two deserve. Kinda saw my Mum like this a couple months ago, hated every minute of it but enjoyed each minute by her side. Take care of yourself and don't forget to slip Jeannie a couple candy bars!
  23. If they blank out, say something. If they don't say something.
  24. Not high maintenance for sure. I like the second option and she would go for that but the only babysitter we have is her mother. Not sure if I could swing that one.
  25. That would be choice! :rotf:
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