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Everything posted by GigaWhiskey

  1. I read Don's thread @ http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=15376&highlight=surging. In that thread he mentions "Surging", what would be the description of that. I run my mini Shuffle with a cassette adapter and it act like it changes sides when playing. It will always keep playing but there is a pause about every 15 seconds or so. Is this what Don is referring to?
  2. Congrats to all! I guess the new future son-in-law better roll up on his own 1st gen if he wants to get on muffinman's good side quick!
  3. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Motorcycles___1990-Yamaha-Venture-Royale-Project-bike-Mechanics-Spcl_W0QQitemZ270238155354QQddnZMotorcyclesQQddiZ2283QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item270238155354&
  4. I had Ventureline air wings on the bike and I took them all the way off because one of the plastic part of the wing was broken really bad. Just one of those will let me put them back on. Bakers wings are kind of high and I am not interested in their name on it. Not looking to get it for free, willing to pay for it. I have only ever seen them on ebay once and I was outbid. So, if you have an extra one and willing to part with it, please let me know.
  5. I would like to know what real purpose that tube makes. Does that bolt flex enough to where it really needs it? If that was not on it and all 6 solid mounts are in, would it make a difference if the tube was there or not? Just curious. If it does still need to be there, I got some more work to do. My little project (Intercom cables) this weekend got a lot bigger and I have most of the plastic off. Found some new cracks and broken tabs (Fixed them), lubed the speedo (took it all the way out) and replaced all ten instrument panel bulbs.
  6. Hey Randy, I know you have told me this in the past and this is a route I would love to take. Thanks fr waking me up, lol. Now, if I could obtain all of those parts, there is the trick! I have looked on ebay when when I have cruised it. I'll keep looking. Hey Dan, That will go in and not melt the rubber? This is brighter than my tractor headlight? Hey Brian, sounds like the two choices are what Randy and Dan provided. I have heard of people melting the rubber, that is the tunnel, with headlight that get too hot from being nice and bright.
  7. I just hope you can just get it back together, no matter what order you put it back together in. I would attempt what you did on other bikes but not this one. This bike has too much going on. Glad you had the gonads to do this, I checked mine in the drawer. It will be nice to see this finished.
  8. I think I have the original headlight in my bike. I think it says Kyoti and it does say Made In Japan. When I look Kyoti up on the Internet, I see tractors! Would I benefit from replacing this headlight with something newer? lol. It is dim for sure!
  9. I see a third theme called default. When selected, it shows the what seems to be the default vBulletin page with the vBulletin logo.
  10. Found this on the Internet "158=3.4w, 168=4.9w and 194=3.8w. These bulbs are interchangeable". Guess I coulda went with the 194. I hope system can handle the extra 14.5 (?) extra watts. Wonder If I should take them back and get the 194's? What do y'all think?
  11. Hey Dano, know it will be a really tight fit with all 6 in there. Be patient and take the time needed to get the mounts all lined and bolted up. Hope you got a torque wrench that goes low enough too. There is a bar that came off of the long bolt mount (the bolt goes through it) in the front. I could not get that back in and just left it out.
  12. ...But I could only find 168's. The light bulbs. Will 168's work in place of the 158's? Also, if my dash is still dim, where can I look for possibly a bad ground wire or whatever?
  13. The motor needs to be practically out for #5 & #6. I pulled the engine forward a bit and tilted/twisted it get #6 in. The last two will wear on your mind and fingers but you get a great feeling you have accomplished all of them.
  14. I have a Shoei RF-900 helmet and am looking at headsets. If you have this setup, what headset are you using? I have been looking but the mic's look so huge and I do not have a whole lot of room from my chin to the the chin part of the helmet. I can figure out the wife's helmet, it is newer HJC and looks like it is designed for a headset. And, she has plenty of room at the chin area.
  15. I finally bought a new set of cables for the intercom system from Sierra and I am curious as to how the end of the passenger one is supposed to lay. These wires were original and the holes where the pins would go were rusty. Currently, the old one in the back is held on with a wire tie on the right passenger hand bar. In the package came two holders for the ends. Did the rear one come with a holder when new? If not, did y'all use the holder that came with the kit? If so, where did you stick it? Is yours on the left or right side? I have had this bike since 94 and just now working my way to headsets, geez.
  16. I had the warble even after progressives, superbrace and a new set of Pirelli Routes. The only two places I have not done anything to are the steering head bearings and anything in the rear end. Figured the steering head bearing might clear up the remaining 5%.
  17. Ya might hold off on slipping her the candy bars until you know the blood sugar is in good shape, lol. Very happy to hear she is doing better and in a private room again. Haven't heard from ya in a while and I was starting to wonder, glad you posted! Take care of yourself and the ole lady. Time to get some card games started.
  18. You might be looking at solid engine mounts. Is it a white knuckle ride? 80-85 was about all i could handle in a straight line (a woop di do and I was puckering) and could not hit a sweeper at 70+. Got that darn warble. The mounts cured about 95% of it. I has some extreme sensitivity in the handlebars. It was like you couldn't hold em tight enough and light enough at the same time.
  19. There are 4 1st gens and 4 2nd gens in the classified section on this site 8k and less.
  20. I hope you clean and polish that motor before you put it in that shiny frame you got. Can't stop at the frame!
  21. I am not having speed issues, lol. http://www.speedtest.net/result/271715930.png
  22. If you haven't upgraded your battery cables with what Squidley makes, then this would be good to do at the same time. I used the plug wires off of Ebay, it is usually there. Good so far. In fact, i did the above two and then put the PC680MJ in too. I was there so I did it. Oh, almost forgot, if you remove the battery box, or at least attempt to, those bolts holding it in might be a bit of a bear to get out. I had to drill the heads off mine and then remove the bar to get the rest of the bolt(s) out.
  23. New Enough is friendly and fast for shore! I like to purchase from there when they have things I need.
  24. What would make you want to open the canister to blue the rocks again? Is there some sign or symptom that tells you that it needs to be done?
  25. I feel much better now, lol. Mines looks lots betters thans thats ones.
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