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Everything posted by GigaWhiskey

  1. I want to clear on what you were actually getting. Was it a wobble or a weave? Front, center, back?
  2. Wonder why she did not just go buy a rose bush. They don't cost that much and not hard to keep going either. Uh, yes I have a few and they are mine. Wifey wont mess with em.
  3. I have a lot of respect for our troops. They rock! They deserve more than they get - even if they get to play with the real toys.
  4. wait 'till after midnight, the posts are at a crawl.
  5. I have found it easy to send a PM when it is on the left nav bar. You can see who likes who in their profile, . Sometimes I will click through them to see other profiles - i hit the refresh button a lot on the forum page to see new pictures, lol. I have been known to have a drink now and then. Sometimes I cross the road without looking (not really). Other than that, i have not found anything else yet.
  6. I didn't start it, lol.
  7. Kewl, now who is who?
  8. Were you doing this? http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y262/venturerider/muffins%20Ruffy%20BBQ%20May%2024th/DSC00029600x450.jpg
  9. I think the 1 button got stuck, he meant to say he had a low speed wobble at 10mph!
  10. That's 'cause we got there a day before you did.
  11. Is this the one you are talking about? http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y262/venturerider/muffins%20Ruffy%20BBQ%20May%2024th/DSC00029600x450.jpg
  12. I will have to try them out, I still have a few small parts to order still. I understand, not trying to slam them either. At least you are now seeing some of the things I have.
  13. Now you see some of the pain I have been having with them. Their stuff has always taken to the longest to get here. And their prices went up. I have seen their site down and they say they will ship with a specific carrier and then it shows up on another. Tracking numbers do not come in email either.
  14. We should have a couple carbtunes on the 21st. There is your chance and you registered.
  15. I wish IMSA was still around. I used to like keeping up with that when i used to play on Mulholland hwy & drive and Angeles Crest in my ole '72 Mazda RX-2 with many parts from Racing Beat in California. That was in the late 70's early 80's.
  16. I have a foot pump from wally world, didn't cost much and works fine. i usually don't have to put much in to top it off. I do not do much riding (Wish I did) but I use it as needed during my pre-flight check.
  17. I think my speedo finally gave up. I have lubed it with white grease lube inside and out and lubed the cable with graphite. Still whining really bad and now wont go above 20mph. NEone got a spare one to sell me? if it has about 73k, that would be great.
  18. Did look at and i am considering it. I have not made an order yet but will soon. Finished getting her all back together this morning. One project, the intercom cables, turned into a lot more projects - well worth it. It has been in the 90's here. Car said 102 but that is usually high. Humidity does not help either.
  19. I am not sure how they are doing it, if they have their own account, we upload to it to theirs or ours and link it or they upload to it to theirs. I will need it in a few weeks so I will bump this back up. Didn't see Mini's post.
  20. I have only met one person from this group myself - Rick Butler. Cannot wait to see a hole bunch more soon! Hope he drops by on the 21st, even though it is his Birthday.
  21. Yammy still has the clamps, crush gaskets, nuts, washers and bolts still available. When I did my motor mounts, I replaced them all. To me, it made the re-assembly of the exhaust system much better and I had no exhaust leaks that I could audibly hear. Sure looked better too.
  22. Even though you boiled the carbs, the idle circuit may still be dirty. I used carb cleaner and compressed air on mine, seemed to help. Getting spark to all four plugs?
  23. Pics please. it might help me figure out who some of you are when you are at my place!
  24. I'e read in some of these threads lately that about 450 to 500 is not a bad day but actually perty decent. If ya think about, that is quite a few hours in the saddle.
  25. Ummm, junk? You should know better. That is GOLD my son! I do know what you mean though. I see a lot of stuff far worse off than mine.
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