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Everything posted by GigaWhiskey

  1. Gas tank is where it is supposed to be and always been, lol. It is still there, hasn't moved.
  2. It looks like you got rid of the overflow tank. How was setting up those carbs with the pods? That must have been a bear to get right. How it the flow to the carbs while you are moving?
  3. You will get different graphic options. Silver or gray.
  4. It might be smoother without the PVC spacer. I have read some will not put them in or they take them out. I think mine are in and yes, that front end will stiffen right up and point that front end up in the air. I have considered removing them but I don't want to do it. I am sick of working on my bike. In fact, considering letting it go.
  5. That is a nice bike. Now I know what Marshall Gold looks like. Mine has a gray tint to it.
  6. From what I understand it does that with the videoconferencing. If have it mounted to the bike pointing forward, people can drive with you!
  7. When I got my bike in 94, the tab was half broken off. The PO had a big washer and screw there. It has held perfect on the remaining part since then.
  8. I SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO take back what I said in the first post! Never again!
  9. ...and ate me a Mustang. I knew it would be easy, lol. We both started off kinda normal from the stop sign and I heard his motor wind up so I had to do the same thing, it was over as soon as it started. I was prolly 4 or 5 bike lengths ahead when I hit second. The kid started to make a u-turn and so did I. I started off up on the back wheel and rolled past him. He followed a bit but would not even up for another run, hahahaha. Wonder if he will do that again with an old bagger.
  10. It arrived at the house today.
  11. . http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103483678384&s=2213&e=001OG38RX8TJe152bdXzlwvucymimWs7bmVhg8digsBr9sF6Ul6fMPfgA-lgq3MbCqPVkITZ9hhn7nH7nUWtFJIEYpn5RdncZwlX7mYpbkjDVuWR__mXq_Bh8Clgue2ouC8DLSgoVn3m59f6x2JwZCeihWYaWWpmUXCSkaPV-50LDT6JnobMohs0QlZGRzv3WbE
  12. Yea, I know JB took over the cables but I would swear someone took over the brackets or at least said they were. But then that was a while ago and I have not had much to drink lately.
  13. Didn't someone take this bracket thing over from Squidley? This link will give you an idea of what and where we are talking about. http://venturerider.org/forum/showth...light+brackets
  14. I think the idea of Canada just crossed my mind, lol. Mother-in-law would stop it from happening though.
  15. Thats a beater. Did you kill a six pack or a twelve pack after that? Or was it a fifth of something?
  16. I can't go. I love the sisters.
  17. cracking the throttle? wound her up? stomped into her?
  18. I got mine from him too. SOmeone else took that over and can't remember who it was.
  19. I dunno. With shipping was $60 USPS Priority.
  20. A lot of people like the morgan. I have used the morgan and been satisfied. Stay away from the motion pro. What I have learned not to like about the liquid type is if you are way off of sync, it will suck that fluid into the engine. Then it just ain't right. If you are not looking because you trying to get that screwdriver in the slot to turn (hot hot), that fluid can get sucked in. I have rebuilt this thing once, so not want to have to do it again. So, if it the needle type, my idea is it will just show high vacuum for that cyl. There are plenty of different opinions, that is what I have learned on my own.
  21. I BBB'd them and found nothing but these guys are popular at SOHC4.net and found no complaints. So, I will order through them.
  22. That one looks just like yours. Sweet! It also has the adaptors for momma's bike too. I like the price. Thank you again! http://gallery.me.com/rturton/100013/100_3421/web.jpg?ver=12173885010002
  23. Thank You Sir!!!!
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