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Everything posted by GigaWhiskey

  1. Trainwreck68, your title to this thread is enough to throw people off. Especially in a dedicated and high usage site. If I jumped into a dedicated and high usage Harley or other site with "Mistake buying a Harley?" or whatever, I would expect to get roasted a 100 times worse. These guys are tame even though it can get spicy once in a while. Have you read the link in a thread where a lawyer sold his bike to someone in Nigeria (supposedly) and lost the bike and his bank account? Whether the story was true or not, they roasted that dude hard. So, sit back, enjoy your new ride and the new group of people that you will enjoy meeting over and over again. PS. My previous post still stands.
  2. http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b53/gigawhiskey/jokerfront1.jpg
  3. I have this posted as blog on my "My Space" blog but thought I would drop it in here just to see the responses. Not caring if the reponses are negative. I was 16 or 17 at the time. I wrote this a long while back. *************** Rolling up Laurel Canyon Blvd from North Hollywood on a hopped up 1100cc Yamaha with thoughts of nothing but beating your inner self and pushing your self to your unknown limits, you see the crest of the hill, front tire lifts from under you, you know it's on. Up on your back wheel, you pull the bike down into your first turn, and you know you and your bike are one, then comes the next turn. Your knee brings up dust from dirt on the side of the road only giving inches to the rubber that owns your life and you meet your next turn. Turn after turn as your helmet pulls your head back from the closeness of each car passing the other way. You know you are on the edge, one mistake and you are gone, your mind cannot conceive what is ahead of you. That next left comes, you see the straightaway, slide the clutch while you are redlining, the front wheel lifts, you see 70 on the speedometer, here comes the right turn, you own it, as the front tire hits you goose it, the back wheel can't hold it. You cross the double yellow line as you hear the high performance exhaust scrape on the concrete, both tires are off the ground and you see the car ahead of you. Your eyes make contact with the underage driver and you both know, what do I do now? The bike tumbles in front of you and everything stops instantly. At this point you know your oneness has not been beaten. You know the camaraderie cannot be destroyed. You have ripped the horizon and you have conquered. BTW, this story is true and it happened. I was down a fifth of Knob Creek when I wrote this.
  4. Just take it off, lol. I did! But that was when i was young and realized the back brake was useless since I had a clutch and gears. Heck, while I was at it, I took the speedo and tach off too! But that was then.
  5. It stayed parked across the street, lol. Oh, hey Mr. Hair, the kids say hi!
  6. I have been watching my speed lately. On the highway, my speedo never seems to get over about 20mph. I am doing about 20mph with the key in my pocket and sitting on the couch. lol
  7. I think we would all be a mess without Goose's adept mechanical ability!
  8. I think squeeze and greg_In_London would have a field day with your results, in a good way, lol.
  9. Glad you woke me up on this one. I have been wanting to improve my FM reception for a long time, it is not very good and nowhere near my car reception. I have never done the Marshall Mod for AM/FM (I have no CB), always pushed away from that page, because I have personal issues with the author.
  10. I found it at walcottcb.com I could not find it at the firestick site
  11. We have outgrown our house. We have been looking too. We have liked what we have seen in Prosper. There is one (new build) that is 4200 sq. ft. with a 3 car garage and would still work out to being about what we lay out each month now. We are in 2300 sq. ft. now.
  12. I have seen this type of response from quite a few people.
  13. Going into a home, to purchase, can have an HOA (Home Owner Association) that can and will climb up your backside for anything. And, get away with it - fines too. There is a guy I work with that has an HOA that is currently harassing him about the height of his grass. The HOA says it can only between 1-3 inches. He likes to keep it at about 1/2 inch. It's all green too! So, when you are looking, check to see if it a part of the neighborhood HOA (if it has one). If the community has a website (some do), there you will get an idea of how the HOA in that community is. They charge a yearly fee too.
  14. I think I remember a thread I posted to about extremely detailed members being perfectionists in this group.
  15. One day I might hear what this whine is on a 2nd gen. Mine has a whine but that is because of the straight cut gears (I think). But yanno, I totally dig that whine!
  16. Guess I might not be seeing that bike again. Glad i at least saw it once.
  17. By the sounds of this place, I am surprised it was that easy to get your money and run.
  18. What you will find on this site are some very dedicated people to thieir rides down to the minute details - far more indepth that the manufacturer. Also consider there are over 5100 members that have posted about the Venture back to the beginning (1983). Another thing to consider, people here will freely open up with thier questions and issues and MANNNNY will jump in a do what they can to help (Might make things look far worse than what they are). Knowing all of that, you can get the impression that there are a lot of issues with these bikes. BUT THERE ARE NOT. There is a 5 year warranty - LEARN TO USE IT! YOU DID NOT MAKE A MISTAKE! YOU MADE THE CHOICE OF A LIFETIME. You had 87k on your bike before selling it. Many first gens have broken 200k before really doing anything. There are others that have gone over 400k. You are among some real perfectionists - LEARN TO USE IT. And have a great time doing it!
  19. Wow, Service Manual for mine is $93. Steeeeeeepp
  20. Thanks, y'all I really enjoyed it! I was great having y'all. I hope peg made it home ok with the heat!
  21. Today I was impressed, flattered, amazed, shown generosity, floored and just plain blown away. The people that showed up were not what I might of expected, they were much more. in fact, I really did not think people were like this anymore. Y'all pitched in, offered help where it was needed and many offered donations. Y'all are a bunch of really nice people, even in person, lol. I have a whole new outlook towards VentureRider.org members! When y'all spoke about a family, y'all really meant it. I sure saw it today. I had PM's for offers of manuals, mc jacks, drinks, coolers, chairs, a tent and many other things. Many of those items were here today. MonkeyNutZ (Rainey), ThunderNutZ (Laik) and NumbNutZ (Lyric) have two new Granpa's - Granpa GunBoat and Grandpa Ponch. The kids latched on to them and they really enjoyed each other. We had 20 bikes show up and had about 25 people here - from three states. My first M&E and it turned out very very well. I want to thank every one that came. i really enjoyed meeting y'all and hope to see y'all in the future. A special thank you to Goose. He helped a lot of people with vents and carbs tuned with his famous gauges. Lonestarmedic solved my flashing battery light issue (thank you) and texasyamahamama's E4 error. Granpa GunBoat was very helpful in moving things around and helping. BVinson helped out a lot himself with items for the M&E and even smoked some brisket early this morning (just after midnight). MAINEAC closed the day leaving in his Ryder truck. if I missed anyone, whoops. I know, I know - Pics please - http://s17.photobucket.com/albums/b53/gigawhiskey/Southern Maintenance Day/?albumview=slideshow Now I am safe in my neighborhood! They prolly think if they mess with me, they have bikers to deal with! I noticed they all stayed inside, guess it worked, LOL.
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