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Everything posted by GigaWhiskey

  1. Hmmmmm, broke the first rule? Could that count as a demotion back to moderator until you can mend your ways and do the VR cheer 100 times? How about 100 lines/sentences saying - I will never break another VR rule, i will never...
  2. Make sure there is NO noise in the line, you can hear it in the phone receiver/handset. Use your splitter too, if it uses one. It is supposed to be able to separate the phone and internet signals. Anything else in the line that uses it will kil the speeds - alarms, etc.... Old wiring does not help either.
  3. If the speedo is operational, lets talk. In addition, if you know the remaining fairing frame peices to be good (not bent from the bike ever falling over), I could be interested in those too. I know Randya has claim to one of those pieces. The rubber box around the gas tank filler, is it split or torn, if not, we can add that too.
  4. Does the left and right controls still have lettering on them?
  5. I speed shift with the clutch.
  6. CB, connections for it and the panel/s it fits in SPeedo/tach console
  7. Mine did the same, had it re-upholstered at a local shop. Good luck on finding the colors and deciding on a stitching. They kind of stitched a V on the back part of the drivers seat for me, lol.
  8. From what I have heard, Yamaha's tend to be a bit longer than other bikes. So, taking corners may be a bit wider, hence you are leaning a bit further than you had expected. But, think about, it works to your advantage. You can lean low into corners and not need to go as fast as other bikes. Personally, I love the way it just drops to the side making a normal right hand turn. Freaks out a couple crotch rocket buddies when I do that. The tight sister in west Texas is unbelievable on this bike, 'specially when that whip antennae slaps the side of the cliff.
  9. If I could afford to put a second gen in the garage, along side the 1st gen, I would. Gotta get momma something first. My boy wants a dirt bike already, still trying to get him off the training wheels on his bicycle first. BTW, one of the lower cables is bad, gotta talk sierra into switching it out. I didn't try switching oit the lowers until now.
  10. If the car has cruise control set, the brakes will not light up on the first depression of the brake pedal. Saw this on CHiPs long ago and tried it, it really did not light up the brakes on the first depression of the brakes - which partially disengages the cruise control.
  11. I got a set of IMC motorcom HS-G15's headsets and I am not able the the driver from the passenger helmet. One speaker, from the passenger connection, is not getting sound either. I think the when the passenger speaks, it is supposed to cancel something, I dunno. I have new J&M cables from the tuner installed as well. What am I missing? Remember the 85's do not have a passenger controller. I have replaced the radio and cassette player on this but not the tuner or anything else.
  12. Yea, why sell. I'll keep mine as long as it will keep me.
  13. This thought process seems to be changing. As I have always understood it, if the light turns yellow but you are not in the intersection, you must slow to a stop. If you are in the intersection (front tire/s at a minimum) and the light is yellow, you must clear the intersection. I got out of a ticket about 15 years ago on that argument. With these camera's at intersections, it takes pictures if you are in the intersection when the light is yellow and if you are still trying to clear the intersection when it is red when you were already in the intersection during the yellow period. Guess what, ticket in the mail! That flashing bulb at night is enough to cause an accident, makes me jump.
  14. But you forgot two great mods to a first gen. Squids battery cables and driving light mounts. Can't forget Squidley!
  15. I had heard the 83 had a few more ponies than the rest. I wondered since they cut back the ponies, if this helped stop the frame issues. I dunno, just wondered if that was Yammies work around to the issue. Sorry if I am slightly off topic.
  16. My side cover does have the cutout for the fuel petcock. I have the vents in the side that open and close. Rubber snubber? lol If that is the rubber strap that pulls over a tab from the frame crossmember to hold it down, I have those. Thought I would add that, kewl.
  17. Thanks for the info Scotty/ Has anyone hacked a phone headset, like the iPhones or some of the others, where they have earbuds and the mic and successfully made it functional through the 1st gens intercom system?
  18. EXACTLY what I was thinking!
  19. I know there were seat differences, like mine is a crossover. But, since I am not the seat expert (I know Rick Butler is), maybe someone will add to it. Then there are the headlight differences between the MKI and MKII Then there is the air dam differences and the engine guards they mount to. Can't forget the saddlebags. The trunk on the 85 might be the same as the 86 but the 85 is removable and looks like the rack it mounts to is different too. So, my trunk shakes a bit versus the 86+. Light bars are different between the MKI and MKII. Floorboards are different. Left handlebar radio controller is different as well as for the passenger. Hopefully this will pull some of the experts out to help define some of these. BTW, my choke is a slider and does not rotate and I have no PPT button. I have no CB either, lol.
  20. Don't forget that you might need to install the font in order to use/see it. Start> Control Panel> Fonts> Right-click white area> Left-click Install New Font> Show it the path> Choose OK. It is Vivaldi Italic.
  21. ...be used for phone? Will it still need the PPT to operate or can it act normal like talkingon a phone?
  22. I have heard the person behind you might get sick after a while, lol. So, might be good to think twice about your brothers that may be riding behind you. Just my $.02 cents.
  23. When she starts scheduling the rides, there will be many more. My wife was not interested in riding, so I kinda pushed her. I bought her a helmet and jacket (Christmas 2006 I think). After the third ride, she started scheduling them. This last January/February she got her motorcycle license. Now we are looking for a bike for her.
  24. It's kewl how we look after each other on here!
  25. Now thats a lot of miles in the seat. One day I will do that even if it is when I can't do it on two wheels anymore. Hope you had a great trip. I will hook up with you to get your hard manuals back to you.
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