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Everything posted by GigaWhiskey

  1. So, both my dash speakers and headset speakers play a different tune. It is same whether on the radio or throught the cassette adaptor. Left dash speaker and left headset speaker = engine noise Right dash speaker and right headset speaker = music I have put space between the spark plug wires and any wires. The wires are the NGK set off of ebay. What is wrong?
  2. I know I have seen some before, can't find any. I know there was one that for sale about a year ago. No I don't want one, just some pics.
  3. Get Four Paws on it with you for a good ride and report back please.
  4. Let me know how it does 2up please. I am concerned with how momma will enjoy the backseat. I am tired of my 1st gen and need a new ride. I have owned her for 16 years now. Been looking but there is not much out there that can replace a 1st gen with my eyes.
  5. Nice Job! We need more build threads on this forum. I love good build threads!
  6. Took the words right outta my fingers.
  7. Best answer out of this whole thread! :big-grin-emoticon:
  8. Has there not been a few folks on here that had there side stands break off sometime during the last 6 months?
  9. I thought I would toss it in here for y'all in case someone was interested. I have seen it twice and it sounded and looked fine both times. I know nothing else about the bike. The owners are good folk too! http://www.thegraphiclibrary.com/yamaha.html The Graphics Library is my Bro's company.
  10. WooHoo, if what you say is correct, I did it right the first time and didn't even know it. Got the new ones from yammy with new springs way back when.
  11. I think someone on here said they ran 11.8x in the 1/4 on theirs. So, they are not the fastest but they are not slow either.
  12. I have already used thier stuff, came out fine for me and the assembly time was very short.
  13. Yanno, I saw that too. I think I figured it was the newbie, lol. Wierd how it pull that member up.
  14. I am jealous, lol. I enjoyed the read. Well written.
  15. Member search did not find a Justin.
  16. As long as you know the length of hose, the size for the banjo bolt and fitting along with the angle, you can do this yourself. http://www.z1enterprises.com/catalog.aspx?pid=VMX1200-1985-WB1 Forget buckeye.
  17. Glad you two made it out of that!!!!
  18. That helps, thanks.
  19. Hey Shanes, tell us, LOL. I am just guessing it is protection but stonger than a Trojan!
  20. Mrs. GigaWhiskey looks good in a wife beater with no bra. She gets them smaller in size too! Makes those in the attachment work out well!
  21. Is this so you do not have to remove the bacgs and cage around them on the MKII's? I guess I don't have that issue.
  22. Now that we got that all cleared up, what's next???
  23. . [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0A5t5_O8hdA&feature=related]YouTube- SHIRLEY! AIRPLANE!.flv[/ame]
  24. http://venturerider.org/forum/showpost.php?p=235534&postcount=4
  25. CUT THE FRAME. IT WOULD BE MUCH EASIER! :rotfl: And I want lotsa :photographing:
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