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Everything posted by GigaWhiskey

  1. I have been for a long time!
  2. 'Specially after Butt Butler gets a hold of it!
  3. I have not seen the need for a motorcycle lift/jack. What does a motorcycle lift/jack do that a regular floor jack can't do other than making it nicer to R&R the rear wheel on a dresser when the area below the tire opens up. I did my 6 mounts with a floor jack. Lastly, I am not lifting my bike on the pipes.
  4. That can be very true! We have been packing because we are getting ready to sell our house and go into a new one that is larger. I have four Windows desktops, three never get turned on and one only gets turned on so I can remote into family computers in other states to fix their issues. I have three MACS too. Dual 867 MDD G4 (main) with OSX 10.4, iMac 1.8 Intel processor with OSX 10.4 for the kitchen and a G3 533 iMac with OSX 10.3. The kids use the last one and I picked it up for $75 and it still works great, it is prolly 7 or 8 years old now. Yes, these boxes hold thier value far longer than a Windows PC.
  5. Just as Brian said, I am the same way. They last, last, last. A MAC may be a bit high to begin with, but works out cheaper in the long run financially and cheaper in the short to long run mentally. If you add Windows, you have two computers in one. You will find yourself using the Windows side less and less and less.... There are actually plenty of games that run on both platforms, even better on the MAC. Unreal Tournament 2004 and Warcraft III (both platforms on one disk) for examples. Guess what platform Halo was to be be built for before MS bought them out? MAC! I know Brian (Friesman1) works with MAC's for a living and sees their issues on a daily basis and in a networked environment but it is sure nice to come home and enjoy your MAC when you have been fixing Windows machines all day. I installed a USB/Firewire card in my box not long ago, booted it and it was installed and working. No next, next, ok, ok, Finish and select ok to reboot your computer to complete the installation.
  6. In about 15 years, I can be just like you! Ride Ride Ride Thanks for letting me watch!
  7. GigaWhiskey

    Asheville video

    Enjoyed the video! Next time, all 2nd gens to the rear! lol
  8. :rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf:
  9. I could not find the link to upload to the venturerider group page (I could get to the group page). I asked in here but no real answers, so I posted them to my photobucket site and linked them below in my signature. I have them in my mobileme gallery too.
  10. That's a perty nice chart you got there, nice and detailed. What would have been interesting is to see what the temperature was at each fill up to see what that may crop up. Only because of some thread in the recent past about temperature and how much you get in the tank n stuff.
  11. I have seen lonestarmedic fix an E4 on TexasYamahaMamas bike. Wonder if he has some advice.
  12. I think TupperJ took over the cables, not sure about the brackets.
  13. Do the diaphragms have pinholes in them? Did you tighten all four screws for each diaphram? Miss one, you might just get that backfire.
  14. I took it as a woopeeeee, I got an '85. Got to have one or two hand raising things first, then they stop. Looked like the bike handled good so should be no worries. Mamamo, be nice to me, lol.
  15. try www.flatoutmotocycles.com the price is not too bad either considering what I have seen them go for on eBay. I added mine back a few months ago. This is if you are talking about the big smoke one.
  16. If it is the same, that is a new background and the ABS stuff is pinkish (label).
  17. AutoZone can run out too. Especially when I need some more. I noticed if this stuff sits for a while, even unopened, it will change color and no longer be usable. it will look like the contents had separated. Might be the heat in my garage during the summer that makes it useless.
  18. I have had my '85 since '94. I do not plan on giving it up unless it gives me up.
  19. I would accept 35mpg with what you had loaded and 2up.
  20. Perfect choice Dan!
  21. I believe cupping can be caused by turning the steering often (normal to me) when stopped to move the bike. And, low tire pressure and a weak suspension (kinda like weak shocks on a car when the wheels bounce up and down at high speeds). But, I could be wrong - I think I am close anyway. What Sarge said got ya covered. I guess it was TupperJ that took over Squidley's cables. The Odyssey PC680 and those 4 gauge cables are awesome when used together. If you decide to change the battery cable, you may want to consider changing the plug wires while you are there (if the plug wires look original). They can be found on ebay with NGK spark plugs as a set for a reasonable price. As you start tinkering with the bike, you will u nderstand us a WHOLE lot better. Then you will start making fun of yourself for riding a second gen,
  22. Wonder if the Coleman cover works and we can find the part number for it, we might just have an alternative resolution here.
  23. Nice job on that trunk Mike.
  24. If you do not have a CB, J&M has a handlebar mounted CB that can hold MP3's. It does not do AM/FM though it has an aux port if you have something like that you could plug in. Add some headsets and you are all set.
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