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Everything posted by GigaWhiskey

  1. So, did you use the original splitter that you had or obtain something else?
  2. Hey Skid, what are you using for AM/FM?
  3. Mrs. GigaWhiskey and I have been talking about an M&E in Sanger but have not done anything becuase we have been fixing little things in the house so we can put iton the market real soon.
  4. I'll have to try that too! My searches have been turning up bunk since the upgrade. It is not using the "Right Now" software as a search engine is it? That indexer gets dumber by the day. Edit: I am not bashing you or your forum software Don.
  5. Nice catch Pegscraper!
  6. Anyone notice how phallic those rocks look?
  7. Drinking and driving legally, that's how ya do it!
  8. Taz, you have a PM. Reiny, you have email. Don, hope to see you at the Stampede and the Hub.
  9. I have two unused 2008 Venture International Rally T-Shirts I would like to part with (finally showed up a few days ago). I do not like them and they were not what I ordered. 1 black short sleeve XL 1 black short sleeve XXL I was thinking $20 shipped for both in the US. Let me know.
  10. I would much rather have an A/C, lol.
  11. 1st Gen = '83 to '93 and '94 in Europe (possibly remaining '93's) 2nd Gen = '99 to Present 3rd Gen = 2010(?)+ If it becomes that due to rumored change, it might even just become a MK II. MK I = 1st Gen '83 to '85 MK II = 1st Gen '86 to '93/'94 With regards to tires, there are some reviews by V7Goose that you might find interesting. Also, it is really a preference. Some like Avons, Dunlops, Pirelli's, Metz and Bridgestone (also referred to as Brickstones). From what I have read in the forums, not by personal experience, the least preferred tires are the Metz and Brickstones. Do a search for all above listed brands and you will get the picture.
  12. I have the factory radio that has the the CB plug in in the tuner. I will imagine I will need; the cable that goes from the cb to the tuner. cable to the splitter, if it is not apart of it. Something with a PPT. Can I put an 86+ left controller with a PPT on my 85 and make it all work? Maybe change the antenna from the whip I have to something else if needed. The fairing part for the CB and Class to sit in. The above is my guess and do nto kn ow if I am missing anything. Well, I know I will need at least three parts - cable from CB to Tuner, something with a PPT and that plastic fairing piece. Anyone got these parts or tell where I can get them? Pinwall has some left controllers with good lettering but will need to see if any has the PPT button.
  13. Being curious and maybe funny at the same time, did you suck on it? Yanno, to pull the vacuum?
  14. I just picked up a Venture CB with the splitter. Hope I did not make a mistake. What else will I need to complete this. It is just the CB and the splitter.
  15. I do not have one but saw one at pinwall.
  16. Can't beat that!!!!!!!
  17. Pinwall Cycle Parts has a frame. Do not know if it has a title or what year it is. http://stores.ebay.com/PinWall-Cycle-Parts-Inc_Yamaha-Venture-1983-1993_W0QQcolZ4QQdirZ1QQfsubZ4QQftidZ2QQtZkm
  18. Interesting, a 1st gen near me, lol. I have only mounted the Superbrace myself but had the springs installed for me. Note that my name might be Rick, but I am not the Butler. If yer out north of Dallas, let me know.
  19. If you do, hope the deal is legit.
  20. I cannot speak for a second gen but there are many that are currently use them on that front light bar. It has a bolt going down from the bottom of the driving light (for the wire) and a nut/washer to secure it. I am sure a 2nd gen owner will chime in soon with the details. Check the link below. There is a pic of a 2nd gen there with them also. There are a few different kinds but they look very similar if not almost exact. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=17241&highlight=platinum+burners
  21. Walmart Platinum Burners - about $15 - 55w a side or something like that. Many are using them on this site and like them. I have them and like them. They look good and look OEM.
  22. I am Panhead of the Gas Guzzlers MC The wife is B*t*h of the Dope Dragons MC Wonder what the wife will think?
  23. Pick up an Odyssey battery. It may cost a few bucks more up front but will be very cost saving and mental state saving in the long run. I understand these last for years. I was replacing an acid battery every 6 months and they got near to impossible to find for my '85. I love this battery and many others on this site do to. Just search for the battery name on the forums here and you will see what I am talking about. I have never had to trickle charge or charge this battery and I do not ride much at all.
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