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Everything posted by GigaWhiskey

  1. LOL, I guess I should have clairified that it was a DIAPHRAM for the CARBS (made sure this time to also say that) that you can have.
  2. JT, I have an old one that you can have that has no holes and no cracks you can have. It is worn though and will eventually develop a hole but is in one piece and I imagine would work. PM your addy if you want it.
  3. Examples; Photobucket link below. http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b53/gigawhiskey/Southern%20Maintenance%20Day/100_3411.jpg
  4. I believe that answer is yes and no. If you do it as an attachment through a post, Don has a size limit set. I think if it is way too big (pixels and actual file size) it will just look at you crazy. I think if it it goes just above Don's limitations a wee bit, it will re-size them. There are some free apps for downsizing of your images. There is a post somewhere in this forum with a bunch of them spoken of. If you store the images on something like Photobucket, you would provide the Photobucket provided URL within the image brackets . Then I do not believe Don has those size limitations and the image will show in the post and not as an attachment. Best to mess with a bit and see what you can get away with.
  5. I do not have an answer for ya brotha but I see you found something to do with your hands! Mine seems to run fine without the filter to look into that cavern. Yea, that helps a lot, right?
  6. This '80 XS11 I used to ride would outrun what I got now. http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=viewImage&friendID=84444318&albumID=106151&imageID=352170 That rear brake was a doosy! http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=viewImage&friendID=84444318&albumID=106151&imageID=352170 http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=viewImage&friendID=84444318&albumID=106151&imageID=352170
  7. I got my IMC in my RF-900 and yes, it was much more involved than the HJC (had to do it a few times - kept putting them in backwards). The HJC was almost too easy. Being the IMC's ear pieces are perty thin, they fit nice without pressing on my ear.
  8. I got a stinkin' feelin' it is that one on the left.
  9. I would like one of those old Z1R's.
  10. If the staple gun won't work, scroll way down below the text area you are typing your post into and select Manage Attachments button in the Attach Files box and then find them on your computer.
  11. I can't find the dry butterbeans anywhere out here. Been looking for a few years. all I find are lima bean type things. Butterbeans sure taste good with ham. With regards to gas, I have reverted back to the store bought in a can Ranch Style Beans. Kids like em too. They like gassing each other out.
  12. Nice product, 'specially for free! Just got to figure out and remember the program names in comparison to MS Office.
  13. Kewl! Now, imagine it on a 1st Gen, lol.
  14. I do not know them but here are a few; http://www.gl1800riders.com/ http://www.goldwingfacts.com/forums/ http://www.northamericangoldwings.com/ http://www.goldwingowners.com/ http://bbs.gwrra.org/scripts/board/discus.pl
  15. Was it you Don that built this? This group has the biggest write up! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Venture_Royale
  16. Did the '85's get one of those when they got the CB? I do not have a passenger control, yet I do not have a CB yet either.
  17. Are you speaking about the splitter that you eliminated? I am clueless with all this and expect to learn when that CB comes in I get the the rest of the parts.
  18. I think we need to hook one of these up to Lowell! I will let the rest of you finish this, LOL.
  19. Personally, I like my Shoei RF-900. The padding is removable but not as friendly as some I have seen. Shoei has newer models than mine but I cannot tell you about them. My wife has a HJC and the padding is very easy to remove and has plenty of extra room for headsets. J&M has helmets with the headsets built right in and the cable actually mounts to the helmet - cable does not hang between the padding and helmet. You will pay a pretty penny for these though. Hope that helps some.
  20. Yea, it was supposed to say 8-track, lol.
  21. Squidley, please say you found the lyrics on the Internet. We would hate to think you had them handy!
  22. http://www.odysseybatteries.com/battery/pc680series.htm It has a lot of juice, maintenance free and lasts a very very long time. Mine sits for a long time between rides, never needed a charge.
  23. Makes an even bigger difference with an Odyssey PC680. I did the PC680MJ for the metal jacket cause it gets so darn hot out here.
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