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Everything posted by GigaWhiskey

  1. I wont tell you what it is about, accept that it is related to motorcycles and nothing like the Nigerian thread in the past but it is quite funny and the biggest ripping (Seriously poor guy) at the same time. This particular thread has been all over the world. You will see what I mean as you read it. Before you click the below link, I want you to know that there are a few choice words used on a few posts (Not many really) a couple of PG pictures and maybe one R picture (I saw no nudes). http://www.zxforums.com/forums/zx-6r-forum/14462-fi-light-need-help.html
  2. No humans on the rack.
  3. The drecnas are slitl cnimog aern't tehy?
  4. I have heard uneven fluid levels in the forks can also cause this. Does one of your fork seals leak?
  5. I check that site, cmsnl, and the shipping would eat my lunch. NEway, 162 posts later and... "WAHOO guys i got the bike running, i found the two problems. my needles get stuck not letting fuel into the carb and my petcock has had it so i need an entire new petcock because also a screw got broken in it when i was putting back together so if anyone has a working petcock for a 74 55o (not the sock kind) let me know or if they know where i can order one that will ship fast let me know." I told him petcock first, but it took this long and that many posts for it to come out, lol.
  6. Well, you may keep it I guess but If do not have the other part (charger/tender), it may not of any use, I dunno. If you decide to get another one, you have a good idea how to route it.
  7. Could that other thing be a battery tender?
  8. Seeing marcarl's pics, the whole thing makes sense and does not look too difficult. I always thought it what the trunk that was relocated, not the rack it mounts to too. I was wondering how y'all trusted the plastic but it basically did not change. If that made sense.
  9. at my rate, it would take 30 to 40 years to do 100k. hopefully, one day that will change, lol.
  10. yea, it has been months now.
  11. Wow, people are actually getting responses from this guy.
  12. I finally read him the riot act. He tore the petcock apart and took pictures. It was rusted and is really bad shape, he may be replacing it from bikebarn. You can still get that part and cheaper than ours. He still does not know if he is getting spark though. I had to stop him, he was ready to take the clutch apart.
  13. They have him taking his clutch cable out to lube it now. Oh, he might even be pulling the oil pan off to clean the screen too. Yea, he does have a faulty petcock but they seem to be ignoring that. His did the same thing as mine twice before I realized that the petcock was faulty. I mentioned that too but they are not listening. So, i am reading and laughing. Evidently I have no clue because I am the new guy, lol.
  14. Yea, I haven't been hanging out here because I have been in another forum that deals with Mrs. GigaWhiskey's new to her bike. NEway, this guy just bought a clean looking CB550 and it stopped running on him right after he got it home. This is his first bike so he surely does have the ability to mess something up. A couple of members have him taking his carbs all the way apart. This guy has no idea if he has a dirt in the tank blocking the petcock tubes or fuel getting to the carbs or spark getting to plugs or a blown fuse or any of the basic things most of us will go through for something that could be really minor. You think he even has a sync tool, LOL, doubt it. Well, I said my peace in the thread so how it goes is how it goes. Btw, these things are sooooo easy to work on. Tank off in about 15 seconds, maybe 15 hours on ours, lol. I have no probem taking this CB750 to the frame for a powder coating, would not dream of it on mine.
  15. Now what am i gonna do with my 2nd gen shuffle and long cord on my cassette adapter, lol. That should be nice alternative to many on here.
  16. I wonder if yer the guy my buddy keeps mistaking me with on the North Dallas Tollway. Sorry, I don't have the answers to your questions but you got a bump.
  17. I am going to leave the bike with the aftermarket pipes for a while (might go to a 4-1 instead) until she decides she needs a little more uumph. On these, it is perty easy to do. I like spokes, so many options choices available. I am really starting to like this bike again. So manipulative versus the VR. I find more stuff for this bike than my own. Prices are much better too.
  18. Our last car purchase has me hating dealers. To me, they stole our car (trade-in). They even tried to sell us stuff that was already on the car. Yes, get approved from your own source before you step foot in one of those places. Give yourself at least something to hammer them with if you can. I will have a bad attitude towards any dealer I walk into. Yes, the experience was absolutely horrible. If anyone wants to buy a car in my area, PM me and I will let you know where not to go.
  19. When are you gonna be back Goose?
  20. Yanno, I might be a first genner but I think that is the best one I have read yet. Witty too!
  21. it was there on the table from the part that poledar gave me with stuffing. The Post Office told me, in there own words, after I paid, that they ripped me off. lol, go figure. It was supposed to be half what I paid. no worries.
  22. So, I am guessing the diaphragm I sent you has arrived. I hope it was good enough to use.
  23. It is the other way around! Venture, Venture copy, they all look alike! get it right!
  24. Interesting thought.
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