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Everything posted by GigaWhiskey

  1. I would not trust my kids on a ride other than around the neighborhood. I still try not to lean much at all in the corners as it is. As parents, we can kinda figure out when that trust can be had.
  2. MasterGuns, when you are done, mine will be ready for the change out. Also tagging this becuase mine shifts as you described.
  3. I just saw this, I miss out on all the fun, lol.
  4. Well now I know I can take my 6, due to be 7, year olds (yes, twins) for a ride on my bike, one at a time, and not get busted. My 4 1/2 year old has a few more months to go. I was wondering what the age was for kids.
  5. Eh, they will prolly do what they did before. Drop the first gen, bring in the FJR, bring in the second gen, drop the second gen, bring in something like the FJR and then see the third gen to compete with some other bike. Third time is charm!
  6. I tried to fix one of mine and it just fell apart. No way to get it back together again. Ended up buying new one. Not cheap at all. Naturally, the new one felt much better and stayed in the open or closed position.
  7. Frack, gonna miss the Stampede this year. I will be moving out of this house that weekend. The house closes then. :crying:
  8. That was just too funny! I had a good laugh. Yanno, that back end actually looks perty tough!
  9. I am trying to figure out it even happened even though I saw it with my own eyes (on the video). So, was that some CG there?
  10. Fool here, for not making it there. Nice pics! That's what I get for being away for so long.
  11. Thanks for the compliments y'all. Lotsa hands on time on that. Got my polishin' skills a bit better on that one and plenty a trips to harbor freight. Hey JT, I am due for a vintage cafe build. It would be fun on that CB900 Custom. Glad you finally picked that bike up. If I can find a 78K cheap enough down this way, that would be my next project. They are nice and cheap up north.
  12. '75 but close enough. I want a '78 for myself.
  13. I love the pics in the grass. My favorite comments from another forum too. DollarBill - That's pure 70's sex right there. Johnny5 - Especially with the green shag underneath it! ;D http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b53/gigawhiskey/Erikas%20CB750%20060709/100_4533.jpg http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b53/gigawhiskey/Erikas%20CB750%20060709/100_4541.jpg http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b53/gigawhiskey/Erikas%20CB750%20060709/100_4538.jpg http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b53/gigawhiskey/Erikas%20CB750%20060709/100_4540.jpg http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b53/gigawhiskey/Erikas%20CB750%20060709/100_4539.jpg
  14. ...so here are a few. So, I didn't break my promise to ya Squidley. http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b53/gigawhiskey/Erikas%20First%20Day/101_0860.jpg http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b53/gigawhiskey/Erikas%20First%20Day/101_0867.jpg http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b53/gigawhiskey/Erikas%20First%20Day/101_0863.jpg http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b53/gigawhiskey/Erikas%20First%20Day/101_0865.jpg http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b53/gigawhiskey/Erikas%20First%20Day/101_0856.jpg I was wondering if it had it in her. I had no idea the wife did too! http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b53/gigawhiskey/Erikas%20First%20Day/101_0870.jpg
  15. Check it out, Squidley is now in Texas. Don't try to leave, you will always come back. I came here over 20 years ago from So Cal. Tried to leave a few times but always found myself coming back.
  16. If that does not work and you bought some cheap pads, you might try one or all of these suggestions. If the edges of the pucks are not angled, grind the edges down about 45 degree angle with a file. You can take a hacksaw and cut a horizontal line in them (down them middle), parallel to the road. Deglase the discs with 320 grit sandpaper (not sure if there is a coating on these discs that would not let you do this) Lastly and costly, have them drilled if they are not already drilled. The above tricks are done on bikes made in the 70's.
  17. I am trying to figure out what made you want to honk your horn if the starter clicked.
  18. Get boots with a little thicker soles and have some of the foam cut out of the seat. That is gonna be about it.
  19. Brownies Rule! Here is one reason why, lol. http://gallery.me.com/rturton/100013/100_3411/web.jpg?ver=12173883230002
  20. Waiting to hear what Brian thinks of all the upgrades.
  21. Yippee WooHoo Oh Yea :clap2:
  22. +1 to that!
  23. Kewl!
  24. Are you riding your bike now JT? Oh, yes they have reverse, if your legs are strong enough to push backwards when sitting on it. lol
  25. Yay, another Brownie!
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