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Everything posted by GigaWhiskey

  1. People are finally realizing this is the fastest color and the best of the bunch. Git em while ya can! Yanno, that color has really grown on me. At first it was weird to me. I would hate to change the color now that I like it so much.
  2. Yes he did and that was crimsonknight, I remember it well. You helped me, texasyamahamomma and prolly a few other people on MX day. Hope to see you and many others again someday. Sorry if I am hijacking Herbs thread.
  3. JB is one heck of a good guy!
  4. Hey mark, glad to hear things are looking up for you. Heck, I didn't even know you were you were having any problems. The wife and I still talk about ya in a good way, lol. Enjoyed having you at MX day, you made a great addition to that day.
  5. Wow, I hope things are ok and you get better soon! heh, I threw my back out and have been with the chiropractor tues, wed and thurs and going back monday. She is closed on friday. Pinched a nerve in my spine and it still hurts like hell, across my back, down my arm and into my fingers. Very hard to sleep.
  6. Those look to be the caps. This looks to be the kit I got - http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Yamaha-Venture-XVZ12-Spark-Plug-Wires-Cables-XVZ1200_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trksidZp3286Q2ec0Q2em14QQhashZitem5ad35b83f3QQitemZ390093046771QQptZMotorcyclesQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories
  7. It is full milk or none at all. 'cause, if it ain't full milk, it ain't milk at all! Just water with some color.
  8. There were some NGK kits on ebay for the first gens. I put those on mine a while back. Been good so far.
  9. I got mine from Buckeye Perfomance. Plan for you bike to be down for a while. There is a ton of stuf to do to get to them all. That is, if you do all 6. Some do two, some do four and the braveheart do six. New exhaust crush gaskets, nuts and bolts would be good to order, you may consider the baffle removal in the collector at the same time and if that oblong thing between the cylinders leak, you may purchase the seal for that too.
  10. He said brickstone on the front. Not known to be a good tire on these bikes. You have a keeper. Won't be long before you are riding it by sounds of it. So far, it all sounds fixable. Now the price of all four diaphrams will scare you. Once you get it right, you will dig this bike and enjoy knowing you can blow away most baggers. Had mine since '94 and have no plans of it leaving my sight. The people on this site are perty sharp when it comes to knowledge.
  11. No offense taken brotha. Me likes CB900 DOHC's too. She really likes the bike. She has a goal of one day or two to get to where she can ride the three sisters down by Kerrville. We vacationed out in Leakey a few months ago and caged the tight sister, she drove and she liked it enough to want to do it 1up.
  12. Glad to help!
  13. Yanno, the BOTM winner could make the VR calendar for that month. Then no picking for pics anymore.
  14. Momma's bike is in the Bike Of The Month with three other bikes on another forum. Just being nominated was waaaay kewl! Wonder if she will win. Could use some votes, lol, JK. We should start something like this here.
  15. I have been happy with my Boston Acoustics. They have been in there for many years. But, what everyone else says about 4" speakers is right.
  16. Ya, and when you crank that bike up of yours, now you will know it is running and not dead battery. Really though, glad you can hear better. I wish the wife would get those sometimes, she is partially deaf. But then, I may not want her to hear everything I say, lol.
  17. Talked to momma last night and she scheduled an inspector for Saturday at the house we are buying. Told ya she would, lol.
  18. Some bikes stability is improved when the rear is lowered.
  19. Lemme see what I have going on this weekend. Momma will have things planned and i wont know until that time. I better git on the part ordering stuff. My time has been really taken up lately. My house will close soon and i will be moving into a new (to me) one soon.
  20. Do a search for warble. It is a weave. If that fits you there are a bunch of things to do to fix it. Fixed most of mine with solid engine mounts. There is still a tad bit of something now at about 100, just need to figure that out, prolly in the rear.
  21. From what I remember, you do not have to remove the chin. Wow, must be time to change my oil if I do not remember for sure, lol.
  22. Yup two spacers up top, two on bottom. The top two go through the crash guard on each side. Here are some bad phone pics.
  23. I believe there are spacers, lemme go check.
  24. Just forgetting to tighten a couple diaphramn screws will get poping in yer exhaust.
  25. Did mine with a one man bleeder and hand vacuum pump. Worked fine. The SS line looks kewl too.
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