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Everything posted by GigaWhiskey

  1. Here is the cheap one man bleeder I have. I picked up at something like AutoZone or Chiefs years ago. Thought is was junk until I used the vacuum tester with it. That and the vacuum tester worked like a charm. https://mercedessource.com/node/6411
  2. I have an old one man bleeder. It is a litle plastic cup wuth a lid and two pipes sticking out of the top. I have filled momma's completely empty system (since I replaced the lines to SS) with that and a vacuum tester. It sucked it through and it feels perfect. It was very very quick too!
  3. The answer is Yes - http://venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=45668
  4. I saw it in IMAX 3D. Thought the effects were great, the story was not great but good...but towards the end, my chest was very uncomfortable from the constant pounding of the 3D and probably the sound (it was overly loud). It took 30 minutes after the movie for my chest to settle down, even after a smoke. Oh, we were in the fourth row.
  5. So, I may have to grab May before it is gone, lol. March, April and June (Don's) is gone already.
  6. So, we are going to do it. Many MX Days down our way lately. Gotta see when we can slide ours in. I think May and July seem to be free.
  7. I just added the airbox boots too in the above post.
  8. Just for grins, double check the screws on the diaphram covers. I forgot to tighten a couple in the past. And sneak a look at the boots under the airbox, they like to slip off the carbs.
  9. probaly sometime before 85, maybe even in the 60's and 70's. Mine is a grayish color.
  10. LOL, I remember Squid. Also, it is just barely north of DFW. So Florida and DFW on distance, that is a toss up, lol. If we do get this going, it wold be good to finally meet you.
  11. ...and wondering if it would be a good idea and turn out as good as the first one.
  12. Mrs. Gigawhiskey wants to have a Southern Maintenance Day II but we have only spoke about it but not in march.
  13. Yea, that bike was perty and the lettering on the controls and equipment were flawless but have the retail value of these bikes gone up? As nice as it was, it still seemed a tad steep to me.
  14. Depending on how shiney you want to get, aircraft stripper to remove the yellow coating, wet sand (start with about 400 grit) your way down to 2000 grit and then polish on a buffer with compound. Everyone will seem to have ther own method but most of it it is about the same and come to somewhat similar results. Need an education, check out https://www.caswellplating.com/buffs/buffman.htm I added a before and after of the rear hub. Not that great but a nice difference. That hub was very wavy and has tons of casting marks. Then I added the upper triple tree. I was able to see my fridge in that piece when it was off of the bike. Then the front fork tubes of a before an after. I do not claim to be great, I think I do a fairly good job. I surprised myself on that stuff.
  15. Marcal, it is time to wipe the dust off of that bike!
  16. Yanno how you solve this problem, put them on one! I know y'all have seen these and are old but I have no newer ones I can link to. http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b53/gigawhiskey/Erikas%20First%20Day/101_0860.jpg http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b53/gigawhiskey/Erikas%20First%20Day/101_0856.jpg
  17. Shall I come by and pick it up? lol
  18. Hows that CB900 Custom coming along?
  19. :rotf::rotf:
  20. Thanks grandpaw gunboat! The grand kids are good, well, as good as they can be at thier age, lol. They do remember you and Ponch. They bring you two up in conversation. I sure miss Laiks hair, it is very short now. Attached are a couple of pics on thier fist day of school.
  21. Nice work Ponch!
  22. Erika's bike won BOTM!!!!
  23. Wow, sorry to hear that. I hope something happens for you when you get here. What do you do anyway, yanno, other than keeping me in line? The kewl thing I may actually get to meet ya when you get here.
  24. Well, kinda sorta. We closed on our house today and we have paid our rent to the new owners so we can still stay there until the 11th. We close on our new to us house on the 9th. It is only 5 miles away and about 1000 sq ft bigger. woohoo, higher mortgage!
  25. Check the screws on the diaphragm covers. I forgot to tighten one or two on mine when I changed mine. It popped when I drove it but seemed to run fine at idle.
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