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Everything posted by GigaWhiskey

  1. it might of been an option with the Royale. Do not quote me on that. I know you will need different plastic that I think you can get off of the MKII's. I dug into this a while back but did not follow up on it. I would like to get mine in someday. Others with more knowledge on this will chime in. I am sure my thread I had is somewhere buried and deep.
  2. newenough.com usually has good deals on helmets. Fast and friendly service and I have seen them go above and beyond (in my favor too).
  3. So far me likee! You used an allen wrench? I had to use a rachet, extension and a socket. They look like they will last a good long while. I wonder if I slide my hand behind the saddlebag and spinn them off.
  4. Sorry, nothing from me. Just wanted to say "Hey, what's up? I have not seen you in a long time."
  5. Love those pics Todd! The third one is best.
  6. Brownie And no, not what you think. I am thinking the chocolate one that is made, baked and eaten.
  7. haha There is one question in there asking me what senses are messed up when drinking and riding a bike. Let's see, I am supposed to actually have the answer to this question? lol I do not drink and ride to find these things out. Oh, and I am only supposed to be able to see 12 seconds ahead of me. yea right, I want to know what is happening around me as far as I can see and comprehend in a 360 degree radius. I need plenty of time to work on my OUT in a situation. That is just a couple I can remember.
  8. You can buy the sync tool for about $100. That is cheaper than them and there are instructions all over the site and a ton of people to help out on here. Hopefully someone will have one at my MX Day on may 15th - a 30 minute drive from you.
  9. Think about it, why would you want to give up free love and free dope! lol
  10. I think there is a thread floating around about why we don't take our bikes to the shop and we will work on them ourselves. Last I checked mine was about 42mpg.
  11. Started this thing and had to stop, too many wrong answers on their part. That test is bunk. Edit: stuff that don't matter either.
  12. I know I treat you guys with the a lot of respect for doing what you had to do. Everyone of you deserve it! It is a shame what you had to deal with back then. In fact, I like hearing some of the stories.
  13. You two give me hope. Yanno, the hope that I can still be riding in 20 years.
  14. What? No more free love now? You have to pay for it now aye? No pictures, thank you. :rotf:
  15. My 85 has the rack in the second pic. I am starting to believe, even though the Brownie's are the fastest color, they are the red headed step child of the whole series of the 1st gen.
  16. Leave the switch. had a sidestand take me down on a CB400-4 when I was 15. Well, I had some to do with it. Showing off I locked the back tire and slid it sideways forgetting the stand was down, it flipped over, the bike landed on my foot and broke my foot in three places. The chinese toe torture on the three broken toes, holding my foot in the air to stretch the muscles so they can set the bones i will never forget.
  17. Now that I can see happening, lol.
  18. Don't let anyone push you to bump start the bike using the trunk to push on. It will crack all the way across the bottom. Don't ask me how I know.
  19. Nice! Will have to remember that.
  20. If you take the two bolts out from the gauge cluster, you might be able to lift it high enough to get some long needle nose in there. The annoying part is getting that cable nut back on when it is off. That darn cable nut will slip out of your fingers and down the sheath, again and again...
  21. My guess is that it would not be common if it did happen. These are fed by an electical pump and is not gravity fed. The tank is under your butt between the frame. The petcock is right next to your right heel when sitting on the bike.
  22. Switched out the speedo guts from an MKII to my MKI cause of that loud howling this last weekend. Did the white grease for cable and speedo and that did not work. Face plates can be different between the years, mine is black and the one I picked up was brownish pink. Changing the face plate is no big deal, its hoping you got the needle back on in the right place. Btw, that little dimmer knob has a tiny philips screw in it.
  23. Did not go back. Will do it during lunch at work tomorrow.
  24. No, I have not considered those warthog and I do not know how these are with the MKI's. Wonder if anyone else has dealt with these (anyone can chime in). I just learned today that I have an itty biddy headlight.
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