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Everything posted by GigaWhiskey

  1. Since I am probably one of the only members that still use Mellow Yellow, I did not want to bug you about that. It was a minor thing to me.
  2. Kewl here. The forum link is back on Mellow Yellow.
  3. So, I included both.
  4. Sounds like a Happy and Pleasant place to be!
  5. New? Good luck! ebay or extra's a member might have but will more than likely be used or have some broken tabs and or cracks.
  6. I guess an Explorer is a bicycle too. I think they still wont rent to them but they will a smart car.
  7. I would like a pair of something and the epoxy. I have JB Weld over one of the holes because it was leaking it was so bad. I had been hoping a resolution to this had been found. I had even been tempted at buying new MC's. I have not seen the brake fluid level through the site glass's for prolly 14 years.
  8. I am happy with my butter knives. If the fork can't cut it, it is too hard!
  9. Sounds like when she is warmed up a bit it starts that. Brownie will idle ok until I get down the road a mile or two and then the idle start climbing a bit. Tiz why I have her apart. Gonna ditch the YICS and waiting on new carb boots and o-rings from MiCarl, hoping it solves it. This bike has idled ad 450 before and it held well. In the past I sprayed something around the front bank and it started to act right. Making me think I have an air leak somewhere there. Just thought I would throw that in. Pay me no mind.
  10. Wow, that is darn near double what I paid. These 1st gens like someone to tinker with them constantly. Me, I end up cleaning and maintaining more than I ride. But then I do not get to ride much and I am anal, so it could just be me. When is comes to those speaker grills, a big Magnum 44 marker on them a couple times a year keeps them looking good. I am not paying near $100 a piece for those. Brownie has gotta look good at all times.
  11. Odyssey website - http://www.odysseybatteries.net/PC545-battery.html $127 + shipping I imagine. Same price on ebay. Check out this thread too as a cheaper alternative. The 2nd gen is listed there too. http://venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=33160&highlight=pc545
  12. Nice! Me waiting fer some parts so I can go riding. It has been a long time. My Odyssey battery has been great in the VR. Yes, $104 shipped off of ebay a few years back. Worth every penny. They may have gone up by now.
  13. If you go down this far, Mequires Cleaner Wax on the frame and tank is great. Have some Back to Black handy, not great but will show an improvement. Plastix is awesome on the Brake and Turn signal lenses (I personally would not use it on the windshield). Have some Chrome Polish handy. You also may have a need for some Mothers aluminum polish. Last but not least, a bunch of rags, old t-shirts and old socks (these are great). Almost forgot, save your old toothbrushes, you will need them. Be super careful with the plastic, the tabs can the pins on the side covers can break easily. Sorry I went off topic, kinda.
  14. I think you may be one of the first to do that. Some bust out the plastic louvers or take the whole plastic thing off completely. There are a few custom jobs somewhere, prolly near impossible to find in a search. I ordered one new one. Dunno if you can still buy them. Not cheap.
  15. How many of you make your living working on Car, Truck, Bus, Motorcycle,and Boat? Not anymore. About 15 years. How many are ASE certified? Nope but I do have an Airframe and Powerplant license. That means Lord FAA said I was good enough to work on aircraft. Worked in Vegas at McCarren airport. Only a year because I quit. Learned how corrupt a minor airline is. I would do an inspection on one part of the plane, find 60+ discrepancies and not enough time to fix them all - plane is grounded. So, they would ask me to sign off on the logs saying I did the work but we will do it later. Yea right, I always said no so they got someone else to sign it off without the work being done - plane flew. They would constantly wave my job in my face so after year I quit. P.S. the airline I worked for went out of business thank God! How many work at a dealership? Nope. Did though for about 11 years. How many work at independent shop? Started in one of these kinda. Mum owned a used car lot for a few years. I started working on them at about 14. How many work for the government? Nope. Now I am a computer geek, much cleaner! Makes my hobby more enjoyable too! I still have my first roll away Waterloo tool box with stickers all over it.
  16. He ain't lyin'! Ran a couple hours in about 110 degree heat. After that ride, all my package needed was some BBQ sauce. The heat came right up through the seat. For some reason mine do not have those things. Must of been the PO that took em off.
  17. Oh forgot to answer the question. YES
  18. Dad and I rode together. He had a 79 Eleven Special with Full Vetter kit and he had stepped me up from a CB400-4 to an 80 XS11 Standard with Saddlebags and a trunk (fairing to have come later never did). We saw the 83 Venture when it came out. PURE WOOD!!! Talked about replacing the XS's with those but that did not happen. Later he passed on. Spotted the 85 VR at a dealer and in his favorite color. Had to have it, still do! And, with no plans on ever letting it go. Love the goose it has and handles great (when the frame does not warble, fixed that). I think it is still an awesome looking bike beating most bikes of today. The brownie is the hottest color! I did get totally disgusted with it once and let it sit out in the weather for a few years. It stopped running, plastic broken and rotting - you get the picture. THe reason I got disgusted was because I found it laying on its side in a parking lot. A car had knocked it over and left it there - no note. Fairing was all busted up, among other things as well as parts bent. I kept looking at it, moving it from home to home on a trailer. Then I felt it is time to let it go as parts or do something with it. Found a little shop over by Denton, Texas that had a mechanic that was an actual Venture mechanic back in the day (came highly recommended) that got her running and inspect-able. Then after riding her again the love for her came back BIG. I detail the Pizz out of her. I get tons of compliments (gotta love that). Almost no one has ever heard of one or seen one that I generally run into, even people that have been around bikes for a while. From nice to grundge to what I feel looks HOT! See Image. http://gallery.me.com/rturton/100013/100_3411/web.jpg?ver=12173883230002
  19. It just might be thinking (scary thought aye?) but has anyone come up with an alternative to the controls that the 1st gen has? Let me go deeper. Spending time on momma's CB750, the controls can get fairly aged just like some of ours. So, those forum members started using some newer XJ/XS Yammi controls that they were able to wire up, function and look great. Every once in a while I cruise ebay a bit. Today I noticed some chrome second gen controls with what looks to have what we have minus the choke. They do look nice. All the 1st gen controls on ebay are complete crud. So, back to my question, will this work? I am no electrician at all and wiring diagrams make my stomach queasy. Are the bar sizes the same?
  20. Me countersteering.
  21. I know I have to pull harder when the bike is heavier. lol 'Specially in the really tight low speed twisties. One of the sisters has a truly nice set!!!! The crown is opposite too.
  22. I am hoping the antioxidants are working for me.
  23. Way Kewl Brad!!! Once you come to Texas, it is hard to leave because you always end up coming back. I have tried it five times but always came back. I started in California. NEway, Granpa Gunboat and Granpa Ponch are a great pair of guys! My kids really dig them. You and Lonna enjoy yerselve's, Ya Hear?
  24. Some of the stuff in this thread might be helpful to you. http://venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=26604
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