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Everything posted by GigaWhiskey

  1. I vote for Dr. Ruth. At least she will teach how to all get happy the right way.
  2. My bad. Now I see it. Big blind dummy here, lol.
  3. I am not sure if it is a bug, I missed something or I imagined it. I would swear there was a multi quote button in the threads. I switched to the venturerider theme and did not see it when on that theme either.
  4. I was trying to be right on with everything. I will spray to see what I come up with. New Boots and o-rings (siliconed), there were up in their slots good. Yes, the little o-rings are there, I made sure of it. Plug the holes with caps from NAPA and the cylinders using the same clamps. They seems to be good and tight. I know how much of a believer you are with regards to the lack of YICS, lol. I have read many of your posts about them. This thing is a lot rougher at iidle than it used to be. No jason mod done. I picked up the caps at NAPA. I do not know if they had any more. Just what the guy behind the counter pointed me to. I have Friday off so I can dig around it. Caps, wires and plugs are only a couple years old at most and only a couple thousand miles on them. The bike is garage kept. Yes, I maintain this bike far more than I ride it. So sad! I run Shell Super and have not use SeaFoam much. Haven't had the chance to, lol. Diaphragms are only a couple years old at most. They are Yammies and they looked good, no pinholes or wear leading to that yet. I think they stayed seated but yanno it can happen. I have been atr about 42mpg and am tickled with that. ****************************************************************************************************************** I turned the idle screws out 1 1/4 turns. I hope that is right. Curious to know if they should be turned out a bit more due to the YICS not there to do the job it was designed to do. I hope I have not over oiled the air filter, I am thinking I did not. I hope I do not have TCI issues due to the gauges not rising. I do have the tach though, it does work. How accurate, I can't say but it feels right. Would it be normal for the idle to increase after the hose on #2 is put back on? Also, I noticed that if I cup my hand a bit over the vent in the top of the airbox that it will increase in RPM. Is that normal. Thanks, for y'alls input! I wish y'all lived just down the street. Rick
  5. I will reply back to y'all later today.
  6. Let's see, I replaced the carb boots and o-rings, plugged the holes for the YICS, cleaned the K&N twice and oiled (one swipe accross with the spray), pulled the diaphrams (they still look new), soaked all the holes and blew them out, and synced the carbs (not that far off) and it runs like poo. Have not driven it yet, don't trust it. It was much smoother with the YICS on unless I goofed somewhere. It even kind of backfires up into the airbox. Blip the throttle and it is somewhat slow to come to idle. Hard to keep it at 1k rpm. When I added the plugs and the think for #2, after the sync, I noticed the idle jump up a few hundred rpm. Turned the idle screw back down but hard to keep it at 1k rpm. Thinking about emptying the tank (whats left) and putting new. This and the gauges today is making me lose that lovin' feeling.
  7. This is gonna be fun trying to figure out. Poor me, lol.
  8. Reseated the connections, they looked good.
  9. You won't get much lower - yanno like 90 to 70 or whatever. Think about it, each inch shorter of total tire height will only gain you half an inch. You are not in that range here. When I dropped momma's ride, I went from an 18" rim to a 16" rim only to gain one whole measly inch. To get the other two inches, I used two inch shorter shocks. That was an expensive and time consuming 3 inches, lol. I wont even go into what it took the get three inches in the front.
  10. If anything it will start but runs like poo. I have the diaphragms out and fixin' to pull the screws out and do a soak and blo. Still ain't figured out the Volt meter thing.
  11. Ok, maybe my eyes were playing with me. I do not see the volt meter bounce. Just sits there. She turns over but wont catch.
  12. Hey Brian, since you said that, I went to look at mine. When you slide that black thing forward, there looks to be a big nut there with a thick rubber washer in between. That might be it.
  13. I was thinking, if it is the armrests that are getting in your way, you might have to put something between the saddlebag and the posts to give you that extra bit of distance.
  14. Don't know about an adjustment on these and I am not sure if that big bolt turns. Me thinking it may be something else like not going in quite right with all the points. Sometimes It is a tight fit more me to get these on. There is a big black thing over the two posts, they should be up against the saddlebag leaving them space to do the slide. Not much space there to work with. The Rick Bulter seat bolts just fit barley in between. Just in case, push in and then slide forward.
  15. K, got her buttoned up and started. Was warming her up to start the carb sync. I looked at the temp gauge and it was sitting at the bottom figuring she cant still be that cold. I saw the volt gauge was where it needed to be. I saw one bar on the fuel gauge and then it went to the fuel pump on the center display. Ok, figured it is getting low (prolly is). Anyway, as I glanced over to the Volt gauge, it was on the bottom. When I turn the key on, they both bump up a tad before dropping back down. Headlight, turn signals, brake & brake light, instrument light, center display and tach are working. I did replace the speedo and plate before I buttoned her back up. And I did the fuel tank thing to get a better reading on the fuel display. Ideas?
  16. Women have differnt tastes when it comes to the look of a wienie.
  17. I guess I had better make that investement for some JIS drivers, lol.
  18. ...Phillips head screws? I know Honda did in the early 70's. The screws were getting rounded because many people did not use the JIS standard drivers on them. So, me was wondering about Yammy. Decent page on JIS - http://www.instructables.com/id/When_a_Phillips_is_not_a_Phillips/step10/JIS-Japanese-Industrial-Standard/
  19. I noticed in my last batch of Mach III's that something has changed with them. Not for the better either. i am sure they gottta do something to get you on the fusion.
  20. Kewl, thanks y'all. So, is it normal or not OK to see engine oil coming from the top bolt of the boot? I have some oil coming out of those with the bolts out.
  21. I forget what is is called but there is like a rights add-on that has some selections. Also, are you sure you used a CD-R that has not been written to yet? A CD-RW will require it to be formatted first. At least it used to be that way. CD-R's come formatted and CD-RWs do not. Like I said before, at least it used to be that way.
  22. I purchased the NGK kit off of ebay and have been satisfied with them. That was a few years back. They seem to test each one and provide the numbers to you written.
  23. Got my order of carb boots and o-rings in from MiCarl. I was wanting to know if there are any tidbits I should know before putting them on. -Like should i kind of hurry due to the oil that comes out of one of the bolt holes. -Should I cover the o-rings with a little oil. -Should I just use the o-rings dry. -Should I use a sealer in addition to the o-rings. -What is the torque on the bolts? -Anything else? I will prolly do this tomorrow because the wife and kids have m going to Disney on Ice today. Thanks, Rick
  24. Been using McAfee for years, not one issue on my home machines (PC & MAC). I just do not run the whole suite.
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