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Everything posted by GigaWhiskey

  1. Yup, it was the first superbike too. It came with the first disc brake as production, it was smooth, in-line 4 and yes you could balance a glass of water on the seat while running and not spill it. It was also called boring too. You didn't have to fix it all the time. Btw, I have two later models - '75 & '76. Saw a '69 Sandcast go for over 40k on eBay not too long ago. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yeMgEuf30G4]Greatest Ever Motorcycles: # 3 - Honda CB 750 (K0) - YouTube[/ame]
  2. Trunk bottom if solid, any CB plastic in the fairing, CB wiring, handlebars ... Kinda feeling it out Phil. Sorry to hear about the loss!
  3. I made the file downloadable.
  4. I can make this one work. Thanks for the offers y'all!
  5. I had to re-install QT for it to play in IE8 and FF4.
  6. Thanks for the assist folks. I taped them for now. Since I really don't know how it is supposed to sound like, there is a video from my iPhone at the link below. http://gallery.me.com/rturton#100097/IMG_0602&bgcolor=black
  7. They have been doing it for a long time I guess. I got the bike in '94. I have never been satisfied wit how it runs but then I only know this bike so I really have no idea what is right, lol. Ran it like I stole it for about an hour, just got back. Did the ton a few times and kept the RPM's at 6k and above a lot. She started to run like real shiite for about 20 minutes and then smoothed out. The last 10 minutes of the ride she was quite spunky. Planning to run her for a bit more tomorrow. Weather looks great on Sunday. I will tape them up for now and see what happens. She always screams lean according to many on here. Thanks for the replies!
  8. Are there supposed to be any little holes that look like drill holes in the sides of the air cleaner box? I think I have about 4 or 5 of them. I didn't do it. They are in the filter area. If not, what is a good way to plug them? Duct tape? lol
  9. Make sure you have a washer and an o-ring on each pilot screw. I was missing two. Replaced them and it has made a world of difference. I need to get two more sets cause the other two o-rings look like super flat washers instead of o-rings.
  10. Very happy to hear you came through this Gunboat!!!!!!!!
  11. Did these ever get made?
  12. Picked up two because they did not have four at Central Yamaha. I was very surprised to find the parts counter pleasant to deal with this time. I will give them another chance when I need something. Anyway, the screw looks exactly the same, that really is an o-ring and the spring looked a coil longer (age I guess). Put them in, ran it and adjusted the screws while running. It ran noticeably smoother. The idle screw came way down from where it was. Holding about 900 rpm fairly well and strong. Still a little vibration though. I would sync the carbs but it is too hot now for me to stick my fingers in there to put the carb sync hoses on. I will wait until Saturday.
  13. Yup, I dug, scraped, looked with a flashlight, blew often with compressed air and used plenty of PB blaster in all the orifice's. If they were there they are not now. The other two are so flat they look like super thin washers. I should have a better idle and sync after getting all those refreshed. I wonder if that has been most of my headache the past couple years.
  14. Thanks for the reply. Yup, the washer and o-ring is really all I need. If the needles look the same, I'll use those too. Are those really o-rings? The two I do have left are flatter than a pancake! lol.
  15. So, this could make the needle at the end of the pilot screw a different size?
  16. My bad y'all. I titled the thread wrong. It is the pilot screw kit I was looking for not the jet washer. The pilot screw kit has the washers I need and the price is good enough to get four of them. I have gone through some posts again and a few other people have run across the same thing but not with a definite answer but one. One guy said he saw the same number listed in a technical bulletin for the 83. My Search-Fu still needs work, lol. Thanks for the assist guys! Thanks Mike for letting me know that you found the parts interchangeable. I will order four sets. At least I will know that any idle/sync issues will not be because I have an air leak at the pilot screws like I think I do because I am missing those.
  17. Hey Brian, I do not think that is it. When looking at 86 and newer fisches, that is on there. You will also see the pilot screw kit there too (#19). When you look at the 83-85 fisches, #19 is not there. I think #19 is what I need but I do not know if these were the same on both the MKI and MKII.
  18. Is this the part number I need for my '85? The boat place and BB does not show it for '85 and earlier. I need two hard and two soft washers. I can't readh the fische for mine. 12R-14105-00-00 BB has it but shows three listings and a boat place has it for cheaper. Boat place - http://www.boats.net/parts/detail/yamaha/Y-12R-14105-00-00.html BB - http://www.bikebandit.com/search-products?q=12R+14105+00+00&ch=1&sc=9&br=yamaha#productlist
  19. How y'all can maintain more than one of these is beyond me, lol.
  20. Thanks Rocket! The fische is nice too. I may pick up the big one there. I think I found the small about $20 cheaper.
  21. I still need; -Terminal Panel 59J-28221-00 This one has large and long tub that the CB slides into. -C.B. Radio sub lead 59j-88189-00 -C.B. bracket 59J-8818H-00 plus the nut and washer -Accessory Panel 59J-28222-00 Not sure yet but I may need the damper for the CLASS. This goes between the CLASS and Accessory panel. See page 16 (Figure 5) and Page 19 (Figure 6B) of the C.B. Radio Kit for XVZ12 Installation manual. http://www.venturerider.org/cbinstall/venturecb.pdf
  22. Thanks Bill, that opens up nice and big. And I read it too!
  23. Yup. I am still short some parts. At least the two panels and they are not cheap from Yammy.
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