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  • Location
    sioux city,ia, United States


  • City
    sioux city,ia


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    '83 royale
  1. that's a good idea. it looks like i'll need a gasket to put it back together, yes? not to sound dumb, but i see the washer/clip in the pic, how will it be different if it has not been repaired? i need to go to the earlier post and compare the posted pics. and i'll check for the punch mark. i appreciate all the responses. i know this has been discussed for the last 28 years and here i am looking for info. duh. i see it now. the old clip has a bevel to it or that's the result of it wearing down. either way, i don't want to see that groove.
  2. the 1st guy had it like 28 years and died, the 2nd owner had it 6 months and got cancer. the guy who has it now doesn't know of any thing being fixed. so i don't think it has been. i'll look on the case for marks. can anyone confirm that. i'd love to buy this bike if i can get him to come down a bit, and i might even be happy if it's a 50,000 mile thing. that'd give me a few years anyway. i know this site is incredible ,the members, but i'm not going to take the motor out of this thing. no way. that's why i thought if it's been ridden like an old woman, then maybe i'd be good for a while.
  3. curious, we have 87 and 91 octane here. non e-gas. what's the book say for these bikes 87 ?
  4. i'm looking at an '83 that has no issues {i posted in the welcome area}. is the 2nd gear absolutely going to go out or is it more due to how it's been ridden?
  5. i hear this alot on my other forum. i'm lucky. we have non e-gas at every station and MANY/MOSTLY non prepay. i stopped at a station that just opened up and i'm waiting for the pump to come on and that speaker says "you have to prepay". i said OK and went down the street 4 blocks away and bought gas there.
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