Thanx for the great info all. This site is the best for a new(but aged) venture owner. Someone has had these forks apart b4, which is no surprise. The right fork had two shoulder washers, the left had 1. I got the bike on the center stand and placed floor jack under engine. Measured oil from bottom instead of top. probably main problem with lack of stiffness plus i dont think i got air hole at top lined up. One other issue i had is when i got the damper out of the outer fork, only the spring came out. None of the 3 washers nor the taper spindle. Do they just fall out with the spring or do u have to make them come out? :confused24:I only did the right fork seal because the left isnt leaking!! Lol. Nah, i would def have done them both but the real reason is the bolt at the bottom of the fork is stripped. Yeee Hawww!!! Tap n die time i guess. One thing about working on my bikes is my tool assortment sure is growing. Thanx again Psychos. Hahahaha