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Everything posted by johnnycruiser

  1. :crackup::crackup::crackup:
  2. I wish I would've waited a few before going out n pulling the fairing off so I could've seen ur response. LOL. Well I had some plastic repair to do anyway, so while I had it off I went ahead n did it. I'll remember that little tidbit for next time though! Thanks
  3. Here's what happened...I pulled the right fairing off n swapped out the reserve lighting unit. Low beam came on-then went off again; well, real low wattage anyway. So I jiggled the headlight wires n it came on again. So I took the big connector off the cmu n sprayed electrical cleaner in it again. Plugged the connector back in again n seated it real solidly. Low beam came on n stayed on. It even made my low fluid light go off-no more flashing red light:dancefool:So I put my rlu back in n it still worked. So I've got a spare now. Next will b my neutral safety switch. The light stays on most of the time n it sure is bright at 5:30 in the morning on the way to work-but a piece of electrical tape solved that problem!:fatsmiley:I'm still gonna take it out one of these weekends n clean up the contacts n see if it's salvageable. That'll b something else I'll need advice on I'm sure. For now I'm happy I've got low beam n no flashing warning light. The low beam doesn't look too bright though. I may have to do one of the upgrades I've been reading about. This site is the best, so much info for $12. My bike wouldn't b in the shape it's in without this site n the people on it.:clap2::clap2:
  4. Thanks Sqidley. Just wanted a second opinion b4 pulling the skin off. I will let ya'll know what it does. Hopefully the one off the parts bike works. LOL
  5. Hello everyone. Here's my problem-and I've read every post I can find on this issue. I have an 83 xvz12tk. My high beam works fine but the low beam barely lights-not enough to ride with for sure. I bench tested the bulb and have an extra that I also bench tested; Both work fine. I've cleaned the starter switch, took the cmu out and looked at the solders and decided I didn't need to resolder it as they looked fine. Also I have a parts bike that I took the whole instrument panel out and hooked it up to my bike and the headlight did the same thing. So I'm wondering if maybe it's my reserve lighting unit. Here's the voltage at the headlight plug-when the dimmer switch is on low, the low beam wire has 11.26v. The high beam wire has 3.86v. When dimmer switch is on high, the low beam wire has10.21v and the high beam wire has 11.04v. Also the the whole dimmer switch blinker turn signal assembly on my parts bike looked better so I put that one on and it didn't help a bit-except the blinker switch returns better:clap2:I guess I'll swap out the reserve unit but wanted to get some input from others who know these bikes waaaay better than I do! Thanks in advance for any advice
  6. Here are the pics of the floorboards and lights. I don't believe the lights are as big as you're looking for but I'm checking into some. Let me know what parts you want or how much for the backrest assembly. thanks
  7. Matter of fact I'd like to get a set of those myself for my bike. They sure look nice esp. with the little visors!!
  8. Thanks Mike. Looking like back to work Aug 5th. Vacations almost over. LOL. My parts bike lights aren't that big and I think they're blue. I need to see what else paysaw will trade for or how much he might sell that backrest for. Those flattened discs in my lower back r a b***h on long rides as you well know.
  9. if your talking about the two little lights on the crash bars surrounding the motor my parts bike has one on each side. Haven't looked at them too closely. the floorboards are still on the parts bike. I will get them off in a day or two and post pics of them and the lights
  10. Hello everyone, does anyone have a drivers backrest for an 83 venture that they would b willing to swap for a set of floorboards and linkage for same year bike? if not does anyone have one for sale? Old azz back needs some support! LMAO
  11. Hello all, I just wanted to chime in here about these tci's. I ordered 1 from Gary and within a few days I had it in my eager little hands. I had already moved my TCI wires up to the airbox so installation was a snap. Gary sent a great package of stuff. The map sensor was already wired to the TCI which was a BIG help. The TCI was already loaded with the program for my '83. He also sent dielectric grease, Velcro, alcohol pads (for cleaning the plastic before using the Velcro), zip ties for the wires, pins, connectors, a cap for the #2 cylinder port that the original vacuum line goes to, etc., along with a cd with a lot of info and the ability to adjust the settings if you buy the cable to hook up to a laptop, and excellent instructions. I had it all hooked up very quickly and had all 4 cylinders firing. I had been messing with original tci off my bike, and one off my parts bike. I'm glad I spent the money on this updated TCI. Well worth the $265 and $15 for the cable. Gary did a good job thinking of everything you might need to do this job. So if you are toying with the idea of getting one of these units I would highly recommend that you do. I spent so much time jacking with those 26h-10 units I wish I would have ordered one of these from the get go. I just saw one of the original 26h-10's on ebay for $225!! and there's no guarantee that it work's. Glad I've got the Ignitech. I'm in west Texas and it's actually been raining for a couple days now but it's going to be an excellent weekend for riding and I'm dam sure gonna be doing just that!! Y'all keep your face in the wind:bluesbrother:
  12. Your pics aren't coming through for some reason
  13. man I wish I was a bike magnet like you are! I'm almost at the end of my '83 restoration. my bike sat for about 6 years. Bleeding the brakes was one of the hardest jobs because behind the forks is a high spot where the front n rear brake lines meet and u have to start bleeding there basically. Which requires removing the right side fairing but you'll have to do that anyway because of the fire. Just don't put any new fairing on until you do the brakes. I have original Yamaha blue fairing if interested private message me. Snaggeltooth helped me out an awful lot and i'm sure he'll chime in with some helpful advice. Everyone on this site is great and very helpful. There's threads on here for about anything u need to do to the bike. I had frozen brake caliper pistons and there's a thread that tells how to blow one piston out at a time. Another thread tells how to make ur own tools that u will need if u have to do fork seals. You might want to look at putting in progressive springs because the original springs just don't do it. At least mine weren't enough and my front end was real mushy. Anyway, good luck with all your projects and welcome to the site:bluesbrother:
  14. Hello all, I am looking for a tci unit in working order for my 83 venture 1200. I took one off my parts bike and it worked so I took it to a tv repairman for the diode upgrade. well I don't know what he did but the tach isn't working and I have spark to only 2 cylinders. I tried the diode upgrade on my other unit, which the tach worked on but was also only firing two cylinders. It didn't help. That's why I wanted to take the working tci to a "professional". I figured it would have new diodes and I would have piece of mind. no such luck. I've been bringing this bike back from the dead since January and now this. I just want to ride. I've considered the ignitech replacement but that would take even more time. Does anybody know if anyone can refurbish these units? I understand once a diode goes out it will take another part or more with it. Any help at all would be great. I know you guys get off helping other's with these bikes get em on the road! Thanks in advance:15_8_211[1]:
  15. Jeez mike it's about time you got some chrome on that beast!! Lmao. It looks great. Sure would go good with my chrome fairing tips. Anybody else with an extra laying around???? Lol. Willing to pay
  16. Thanks alot. I need all the help I can get. LOL:confused24:
  17. Man that would be awsome. You guys on this site are the best. This is pretty much the last thing I need to do b4 I can REALLY ride:Venture: Squidley said he might have some too. PLEASE send pics n thank you very much for the offer. Here's some pics (I hope anyway) of what i'm dealing with
  18. thanx for finding the pics for me. That looks like the right side carbs on my bike. I think somebody did the same thing. If i knew how to put a pic here, I would show y'all n the screw n plug I took out. I guess it was too much for em cause they left the left side alone! That's the side with stuck ones. But on the right side, I took the screw (correct screw??, I don't know) out of the #4 carb n tried it in the #3 carb. The threads on the plug I took out of the #3 carb is coarse n the plug is bigger than the screw from the #4 carb. The screw has fine threads. I probably won't b able to find a screw that will fit that #3 carb now. Guess that's why they put a plug in it. I wanna put a plug in whomever did this to my baby. Lmao
  19. Thanks prairiehammer. that would be great. It'll give me another option and a reason to go buy a dremel set. Been wanting one for a while anyway!
  20. I'm afraid that probably leaves me out. But I'll check around. Might be easier just to get another carb body like you said. Thanx for the friend request, sure made it easy for this newbie to accept one instead of trying to figure out how to send a friend request! So you just transfer everything over to the other carb body? I was going to look for carbs on ebay but then I'd probably just end up with the same problem!
  21. Yea Squidley I've been reading about it. What sux is I planned my vacation before I got the bike. Now look! LOL. I could get her there n have you do the work FOR me. Hmmmm, how bad do I want to go to Illinois n pick up my boat??? Seriously though Snaggletooth n Bonzo both said I should get ahold of you. I was afraid I was going to hear that news. but on the bright side I know where to get a carb body now. If YOU couldn't get em out with an ez out I seriously doubt I will be able to. As you said the diameter of the head is so small. Thanx for the offer Sqidley. I'm gonna try n friend you. Is it like facebook?? Harharhar:15_8_211[1]:
  22. Thanks snaggletooth. I got so wrapped up in describing all I have dne and my current problem that I forgot to post pics. I did get my bike up there for my avatar though. Important stuff first. Yuk yuk yuk. I've been all over these threads n found one where a guy was in my spot but never did say if the similar air mixture screws he had found worked or not. I don't know what will cross over into these carbs. If the rustbuster doesn't work I was thinking ez out but wanted to see if anyone had a better idea. There's a lot of people out there with ingenuity. Did I spell that right?
  23. Well I've had my bike about a month n a half now. It had sat for 5 or 6 years. Found this site early on n sure am glad I did. First the bike wouldn't move so I did a barnett clutch job. Then leaking fork seal. Fixed that with all the info on this site. #4 carb had little brass thing sticking into bowl. Found out the o ring in the jet body was bad-rebuilt carbs. Put in progressive springs to fix front end. Unstuck brake caliper pistons, new pads, n bled brake lines. Including the spot at the neck by the metering valve. (Thanks for all your help snaggletooth). Tried to synchronize carbs but they just won't stay even...especially after warm up. Finally got bike safe enough to ride. Does good while accelerating but when slowing n downshifting it backfires n belches n farts, etc. No 2nd gear slip though (fingers crossed). Then I find the dreaded Stripped heads on the air mixture screws. Actually on the #3 carb the po has a allen head plug in place of a screw. So the two Openings on the right are ok. If I had the correct air mixture screws I could screw them right in...unless the po broke the tips off the former ones by screwing them in to tight. Anyway, the two on the left, the heads are stripped. Anyone have any ideas how to get them boogers out?? Also, I guess I might need, oh I don't know, maybe four new air mixture screws. These messed up air mixture screws have to b why its not decelerating properly right? It surely couldn't Be my carb rebuild skills??? LOL. What little I rode her today shows the potential she has. I just wish she was running right. This is really the last thing I need to do before I would feel comfortable riding her every day like I plan. Getting the bike was great but it was almost worth it just to find this site and join it. Best $12 ever. Everyone i've met on here has been cool and most helpful. There is no way I could have done ALL that work without the info I was able to get off this site. Anyway, enuff #@*kissing. HAHAHA. Any help would be great and maybe someday I'll be able to pss it along to a newbie like me. Y'all have great one. Just to let y'all know, I've got rustbuster on them screws now. I'm hoping that'll do it but I can't hardly even get a bite on them so I don't think so. Thanx again:confused24:
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