They are crazy up there ! A good friend mine in Montreal went for his motorcycle license. You must go to motorcycle riding school. That cost him $600. After completing his course (classroom only), he had to take a written exam (DMV or SAAQ as they call it). He passed thus allowing him to take a riding exam in a closed circuit course only ! He passed the riding course, then had to take another exam to ride in a public road, he did that. Then he had to ride with another licensed motorcycle rider (tag along within 50 yards) for 11 months. Once those 11 months were completed he went back to take another exam to ride on the publics roads 'alone'. He passed !! GEEZ !!!!
As for me, I took a 18-hour motorcycle endorsement course on a weekend, paid $180 , passed it and went on Tuesday to get my license at the DMV
He freaked when I told him this !!