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Everything posted by AngryAmish

  1. Hi Larry , for the extension, I guess I can get it anywhere like HF or other places like that !
  2. trailer pigtail will do it myself !! They'd charge me 1 more hour !! lol
  3. Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice
  4. Thank you guys, really appreciate your responses and your kindness to help me. I really appreciate it
  5. They quoted me $250 for hitch and ball + 2 hours of labor ($90/hr) ... I found it steep in parts and length of labor time. I asked my brother in Montreal to get a quote, they came back with $500 + tax = $580.00 for the whole thing, parts and labor
  6. Did you install your own hitch or paid to have it installed ? Not sure if I should buy the hitch and swivel ball and install it myself or go to my local Yamaha dealer here in St. Petersburg (Barney's) and pay $475 for hitch, ball and labor ! Thanks (RSV '07)
  7. I'm surprised a high percentage of HD owners have said that "About one in four owners of Harleys reported experiencing a major problem in the previous four years". Usually being so proud to own a HD, they won't admit it !
  8. How are the potholes on Rte 132 towards the Mercier Bridge ? Deeper than ever ?
  9. ............... and put up with the Quebec government ! lol
  10. The $4.25 is the registration paper
  11. The $45 is a contribution to the public transit system
  12. ..........
  13. $409 ..... 20% ....... $327 !!
  14. .................... and jailtime would do you no good if your motorcycle is totalled and you have a broken leg or worse !
  15. Blame Queen E ! lol ................ The reason I was told about the 'insurance contribution" in the registration is because in Quebec you cannot sue. So if you are riding a bike and someone blows a red light and hits you, if he is uninsured, then the Dept of Motor Vehicule will pay for your damge and anything else. You cannot sue. Imagine you were allowed to sue and he only had $43.06 in the bank !! For that I understand about the 'insurance contribution" in the registration, but still , total cost is waaaaaaayyyy too high
  16. LOL , 1974 , the year my dad came home with a Norton ! I was 7 and was elated when I saw it, my mom, no, lol
  17. That includes an "insurance contribution" because Quebec has a no-fault insurance BUT you still need to be insure like everyone else which depending on motorcycle can be around $700/yr
  18. Registration for motorcycles PER YEAR !! Mopeds and Scooters (under 50cc) - $273.50 125 cc or less - $243.79 126 cc to 400 cc - $351.25 401 cc and over (cruisers,touring) - $557.53 401 cc and over (sportsbike,racers) - $1,116.90 .............. and they drive 5 months a year or so up there !!!
  19. They are crazy up there ! A good friend mine in Montreal went for his motorcycle license. You must go to motorcycle riding school. That cost him $600. After completing his course (classroom only), he had to take a written exam (DMV or SAAQ as they call it). He passed thus allowing him to take a riding exam in a closed circuit course only ! He passed the riding course, then had to take another exam to ride in a public road, he did that. Then he had to ride with another licensed motorcycle rider (tag along within 50 yards) for 11 months. Once those 11 months were completed he went back to take another exam to ride on the publics roads 'alone'. He passed !! GEEZ !!!! As for me, I took a 18-hour motorcycle endorsement course on a weekend, paid $180 , passed it and went on Tuesday to get my license at the DMV He freaked when I told him this !!
  20. Yamaha RSV '07 Vespa LX50 '08 Piaggio Fly 150 '06
  21. http://www.weather.com/news/weather-winter/winter-weather-watch-2012-2013
  22. May I ask why a 'longer' tongue ?
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