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Everything posted by AngryAmish

  1. hOW MUCH, mCgEE ? LOL
  2. Thank you everyone for the help. I really appreciate it. I am still searching, not easy !! lol I saw this ............. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/2013-Motorcycle-Trailer-Take-Time-Out-to-Camp-Honda-Gold-Wing-Camper-Camping-/111026773537?_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&forcev4exp=true
  3. .......... and yes, Venturous
  4. You know, I may just take the 81 North and get off at Blue Ridge Parkway. Is it chilly in the mountains in may ?
  5. I am going up the 95 all the way to NY, then take 87 north to Canada
  6. Do you recommend overpants or just regular denim jeans and a rain pants in case it rains ?
  7. Thank you meach
  8. Ooooops , can an administrator transfer this post to 'Trailer Talk' , did notknow there was a section on it. Thanks
  9. I am looking for a motorcycle camper trailer (new). Does anybody own one and if so what do you recommend. I'm taking a 1500 mile trip in May. Thanks
  10. BTW I drive a 2007 Yamaha Royal Venture.
  11. Hi there. In mid-May of this year I will be doing my first long distance trip. 1500 miles. I'll be driving from Tampa, FL to Montreal, QC Canada. My question would be. What kind of gearing should I bring with me for the trip ? How is the weather north of South Carolina. In Florida the only jacket I use is a Joe Rocket velocity mesh jacket. What do you recommend I use and bring (clothing). The longest I have done in a trip was from Tampa to Orlando. Thanks !
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