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Everything posted by a1bummer

  1. I had that problem till I rebuilt my forks. Fork oil or rear shock oil is getting into the the airline when you let air out of the suspention. The oil then gets out the vent and down the rear fender.
  2. Anybody else have the occational 3rd. to 4th. gear miss? It dosen't happen very often. It dosen't slip out of 4th. but rather it just seems to go somewhere in between. I'm just curious if it's my own fault or if it's something mechanical in the tranny I should look into. I plan on taking care of the second gear issue this winter before it becomes a problem and wondered if I should keep an eye out for anything else. This bike is an 84 w/35000 on it. 4000 I put on this spring already. Man I love this bike. When does the second gear usually start to slip out anyway? Thanks in advance for all yur info. Bill
  3. I got some the other day at Advance Auto across the street from O'Rielly's. Like GigaWhiskey said, Any autoparts store should carry it.
  4. Great idea! Glad I thought of it:whistling:
  5. I used it on my windshield and it looks great. The back of the bottle reads as follows: PlastX Clear Plastic Cleaner & Polish Restore clarity to clear plastics with PlastX. Cutting-edge advancements in micro-abrasive technology gently remove surface stain to clean clear plastics. Vital conditioning oils restore optical clarity, while highly water-resistant polymers provide long-lasting durable protection. PlastX is non-toxic and does not contain any harsh solvents. USE PLASTX ON: Plastic headlights Plastic boat windows Convertable windows Hard plexiglass surfaces Scratched CD surfaces Then it goes on with the directions, etc. So... no acetone
  6. Yup! Found some that will work. Square, but i can take care of that easy enough.
  7. Now why didn't I think of that?
  8. I put some footpegs on the crash guards on my 84 but I can't get them into the right angle. They work the way they are but could be more comfortable. Do any of you know where a guy can get some beveled washers so I can shim them to the right angle? Or does anyone know another good way to get them to the right angle? They need to move a good 20* +/- a couple.
  9. Never thought of that either. Just when I though I knew everything too.
  10. Hmmm... Very... Very... interesting. I know what I'll be doing on the next sunny day! Glad I though of it.
  11. Never thought of a wet towel. So simple! I did dig out a microfiber cloth that I put in a ziplock after the fact. I did get most of the finer scratchs out so the windshield looks crystal clear, that is until night. Oncoming traffic lights show swirls all over the whole thing. I'll try some of the sugestions and see what works. Thanks for the info so far guys.
  12. Hey. I hope I'm not the only one who did this. I used the squeegee at the gas station to wash the bugs of my windshield then used the paper towels to dry the streaks. Now there a bunch of little scratchs all over it. I buffed them till my arm went numb with some stuff I got at the auto parts store that the guy behind the counter said will take them out. I learned he didn't really know what he was talking about.:buttkick:Anyway. Does anybody know a good way to get rid of them?
  13. I've learned the hae hard way the last thing you want to do is lay on the horn or flash the lights at deer crossing the road. Quite often they will just stop and look at you or panic and don't know what to do. Either way it will increase the odds of hitting one. Just have to ride smart and keep an eye out for the wildlife same as you would a cager.
  14. VERY sobering and humbeling video. I'll be thinking about it when I'm going down the road. Even more so if the little lady is with me. An I too did notice that most of the bikes were sportbikes.
  15. What if I put some strawberry jelly on it too?Or maybe some applebutter?
  16. Anybody have a good way to get those factory warning stickers off the fuel tank lid? I tried Goof Off and only got bits and peices of them off. Now it really looks like crap!
  17. What if a good way to waterproof leather boots, coats, gloves, etc.? I got my feet soaked a few weeks ago so I cleaned, repolished, then used some waterproofing product in a spraycan. I can't remember what brand right now. On my trip down to Diamond, MO. on Tuesday and Wednesday. I got stuck in the rain, sleet, and snow. My feet still got soaked. I have new gloves that kept my hands pretty dry and warm. My coat kept me warm and dry all the way. I found some stuff from KIWI called WET PRUF. I put it on my gloves and boots and will find out how it works on my way back to Cadott, WI. Well hopefully I won't have to find out if it works. I didn't think about Mink Oil till after the fact. How about Saddle Soap? I assume that's used to clean leather. Doe it waterproof at all? THNX, BILL
  18. Thanks Condor, It was worth the trip. Mom's doing better now. She got home from the hospital. Now it's a matter of how the heck she's gonna pay for the meds.
  19. After a cold wet ride from westcentral Wisconsin to the southwest corner of Missouri I got about 36 mpg with super all the way. I'm pretty sure weather has some to do with milage too. I know I've gotten 41 mpg on a good day and as little as 34 on a windy day. I went through the snow, sleet, and rain that went over southern WI/MN and Iowa on Tuesday. I finally stopped in norhtern Missouri when I knew I was south of any overnight snow. Then I got stuck running through the rain than hung over Kansas City. At least the last 40 miles or so of the trip down here were dry. In case anybody was wondering why I would do something so crazy. My Mom ended up in the hospital with heart problems. She put up with alot worse over the years for me.
  20. How many different ways can you think of to better your fuel milage? How many of us have tried those "As Seen On TV" solutions? Have any of them REALLY worked for you? What one will fit on our bikes? Etc. Etc. Etc.
  21. What kind of camper would that be RandyA? Have any pics? By the way... how do ya add a pic attatchment to these replies and start a pic gallery? :confused24:D'OH!
  22. I wonder how easy it would be to find them after they've done thier job?
  23. I was way wrong! This thing is way to heavy! I put the scale under one wheel, and just over 318 lbs. the scale said ERROR. The tounge weight alone was 105lbs. Add it all up and it would weigh almost as much as the bike. I didn't really want to haul that thing behind my VR anyway... IT'S UGLY! All this info will help when I build my trailer and when I figure in what I want to bring on a trip. Thnx everyone.
  24. Well then, that settles it. I have tons of magnets in a box in my garage/playroom. Huge speaker magnets, harddrive magnets, COW MAGNETS, rare earth magnets, shall I keep going. What if the cow has already swallowed the magnet? Should I take her for a ride so the light will change?
  25. Hey thanks. That's what I suspected. This popup is 5'(Wide) x 80"(long) x 40"(high) when folded, with a 41" long tounge. I'm pretty sure it's light enough, but it sure is ugly. I would think something that size and weight would pull the back end of a bike around pretty good on a windy day. Or am I wrong? Any input on how a bike handles with a trailer behind?
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