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Everything posted by a1bummer

  1. Ya, before I replaced my rear wheel bearings, a dirt road made me feel like I was riding on ice so I avoided them. Now they just get my baby all dirty. Worst thing about owning that thing is keeping her clean. I spent about 4 hours getting it all sparkly yesterday.
  2. Ya, I did back in the day... when I was more mischievous. When I lived in MN. it was tough to come up with the money to pay for minimum insurance. When I moved back to WI. I had no problem affording full coverage. I've seen a lot of hit and runs in MN. Lost count of how many times my car was hit. My sisters too. I never seen anyone take responsibility for it either. I've seen a case where a good driver who was barely able to afford insurance get into on minor fender bender and took responsibility for it, and then couldn't afford the insurance anymore. One thing leads to another, and that person loses their license, but has to get back and forth to work, drives anyway, and things just keep getting worse for them. Once your in the hole, it's tougher than hell to get out. True story. It was me. I'm totally legal nowadays, but avoid MN. like the plague.
  3. Well Wisconsin jumped on the band wagon for mandatory insurance now. Can't wait for my premiums to go so high I can't afford it anymore.
  4. YA! Orange cones and barrels have been popping up all over the roads over here too. Quite often, I'd rather take the rustic roads.
  5. Does anyone know how many states have "Rustic Roads"?
  6. I saw those posts too. That's why I tried it. I didn't leave it on there for long either. I also use Armor All on those pieces as well. I wonder if there could have been some sort of reaction between the two. But it's been a while since I last put the Armor All on them. About 3-4 weeks ago. I wonder how much could have still been left on them.
  7. Anybody have any good ideas on how to fix the gold chrome that's flaking off our old emblems? I tried some gold model paint but didn't like how it looked. I used Some Top Flite MonoKote Gold ChromeTrim, (http://www3.towerhobbies.com/cgi-bin/wti0001p?&I=LXHX85&P=7), and it looks ok, but not as good as I would have liked. Not sure how well it will hold up to the weather, wind, and washing either.
  8. To Scrubbing Bubbles that is. I tried it out on my bike yesterday, it left spots on my vents and streaks on black lower portions of my side covers. I scrubbed like hell with some Armor All to get them off, but no luck. Looks as though I might have to do some painting.
  9. I have the same problem. I've always just kept my important stuff in a heavy duty zip-lock. But now that you mention the window screen spline trick, I think I'll have to give it a try. As with most of my problems, if I wait/procrastinate long enough, sooner or later, a solution will present itself.
  10. Well we've hit 12 rustic roads so for for the rustic roads awards program here in Wisconsin. I sent our pics off to the DOT a few minutes ago for our Rustic Roads Motorcycle Tour patch. We'll send in the rest after we hit 25 for the certificate. I put the pics in my photo album. Just for giggles, I asked them what might happen if a person was to hit all 107 rustic roads in WI. I wonder if I'll get a reply. I know it's not that exciting. It gives us an excuse to ride. Beside, I'm easily amused sometimes.
  11. What he said!
  12. And I thought I was stuffing a lot of crap onto my trailer.
  13. Where are the 1st geners putting thier cup/bottle holders?
  14. I was wondering if a backrest might help with posture. Just curious... how does syncing the carbs and such help with numb hands? Less vibration? More power so you don't have to twist the throttle as hard?
  15. You've got my support! I only go to the local, (If ya call 22 miles local), meat market for my meat products. Sure it's a bit more expensive, but it's not loaded with filler either. It states on the labels at Wally World that their meat products contain 10% filler. Sure it's cheaper... but it has no flavor, it's tough, and it's stuffed with filler! I'd rather pay more for the good stuff from people I know and trust.
  16. Where is Waller?
  17. It was called Septoplasty Surgery. I have NEVER been able to breath through my nose. Very deviated septum, Polyps, chronic sinusitis, chronic bronchitis, and severe allergies. A lot of my problems are related in one way or another. Hopefully by breaking the chain reaction, I can have more of a symptom free life. I remember the oxygen tents I spent part of my childhood in. Things got better in my teenage years, but got worse again in the last few years.
  18. No, I'm not superstitious at all. But I do like the idea behind them. I have been thinking of getting a few of the VentureRider.org bell for my brothers and friends. I doubt they have ever heard of guardian bells. I never have till I joined this site.
  19. I don't have one
  20. Ever since the sinus surgery that is. But one side effect... my gas smells a lot worse! I'm gonna have to give the Doc hell for that!
  21. I use the cruise as much as possible because of the same problem. With the cruise off, it doesn't take long to go numb. I switched to the foam grips but it only helped a little. When I feel numb I hit the cruise and take the numb hand off the bars and let it hang by my side and open & close it till the feeling comes back. Nowadays my right elbow bothers me a lot and sometimes I have a bit if a "trigerfinger" problem in the left thumb. I don't know if the elbow problem is due to the degenerative joint disease, from the bike, or all those nail I pounded when I was into framing and roofing all those years. I already had surgery for the "trigerfinger" problem on my right thumb a few years ago and surgery on the right knee for a torn miniscus. I'll see if if I can reposition my bars to see if I can releave some of the stress on the elbow now that you guys make me think about it. All these ackes and pains have me seriously entertaining the idea of putting a hack on the VR. Now if only the lawyer will come through on the lawsuit with workmans comp so I can afford one.
  22. That looks kind of slick. I wonder what who made it.
  23. After reading this thread I decided to dig into the display of my 84. I knew right away that the display would be different than the 83's covered previously in this thread. I found two much more complicated PC boards. But as with the 83, my 84 also had the same reed switches. I'm guessing that the 84-93 displays are the same. Please correct me if I'm wrong. I attached a few pictures of the 84's display innards and the reed switches that need to be jumped. One picture shows where to solder the jumpers. The green jumper is for the running/tail lights and the black jumper is for the brake light. Now I no longer have the annoying red warning light. I also didn't have to add any of those expensive resistors that the manufactures of the LED lights suggest adding inline to each LED light. Thanks for the previous information provided earlier in this thread that showed me where to start this LED fix on my 84.
  24. Here in the Wi. Motorcyclists' Handbook, (http://www.dot.wisconsin.gov/drivers/docs/cycle-handbook.pdf on page 8 & 9), it states, When facing a red light, you may proceed CAUTIOUSLY through the intersection when the light is still red if ALL of the following conditions are present: You reasonably believe the signal is vehicle activated (if the signal is timed, you may not proceed through a red light no matter how long it takes to change to green); No other vehicles are present to activate the signal; You have stopped at the signal for at least 45 seconds; and,You yield right-of-way to vehicles proceeding through on a green signal and to pedestrians and bicycles in the crosswalk or intersection.
  25. We just want to, "Rob Peter to pay Paul", as my Dad & Grandma always put it.
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