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Everything posted by a1bummer

  1. Ya that was very cool indeed. Very imaginative. My wife and I both have one of the phones advertised. Bill
  2. But think of all the money you'll save with all the knowledge to be found here. Bill
  3. WOW!.... ROTFLMFAO!
  4. So what do you recommend? I used CB's quite a bit some 20 years ago but have probably forgotten most of what I knew about them. Back then they were still pretty big and I don't want to stick one of those on my bike. So what options are there for a 1st gen? I don't really care to break the bank to get one either. I do plan on getting the Scala Rider/passenger headsets, or similar, sometime in the near future and am taking that into consideration. Assuming that they can somehow be integrated into a CB somehow. By the way, I no longer have the factory stereo installed on my bike, so a stock CB probably won't work for me. Unless of course I could somehow connect it to the AUX on my aftermarket stereo. But then I would have to know the pinouts on the CB's connector. What kind of setups were some of you guys using on our "Leaf Lookers Run" this weekend? Thanks Bill
  5. I'll give it a looking at and see how it works on my Garmin Nuvi 765T. Then maybe I can remember to let ya know how I like it. Bill
  6. So I went to the local Harbor Freight this morning on my way home from work. I pick up a flyer advertising an upcoming sale. 50% off sale, Tues, Oct. 18th - Mon, Oct. 31st.. And on that flyer there are also coupons that say they are valid through 10/31/11 in bold type. Now wouldn't you think the coupons would me valid from the time they are distributed until said expiration date? Or would you assume the coupons are only valid during the sale that is advertised on the same flyer? Bill
  7. That's no maybe, it's a definite. I just dug out my tent today. I registered a few days ago. My big bro and his fiance may even come along with me for the ride. Bill
  8. Well I'm in Thorp, WI. just a short jaunt to your east. I'm planning on going for the first time. I've been looking for someone to ride with. Give me a call if you like. Tele # sent in PM. Bill
  9. I just got myself registored. The wifey poo won't be able to make the trip with me, so I'll be going it alone. Is anybody going that I can meet up with along the way? I live in Thorp, Wi. and will either be going through the Twin Cities our head north and go through Duluth. Bill
  10. I totally agree. But on the other hand, I've read that there is a strict no religion and no politics rule here. Rules are meant to be followed, not bent. But for some reason prayers are readily accepted and even given a section in which to do so. It is in plain english right here http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=665&highlight=politics+religion+rule
  11. I received my invite in my email and have been giving it serious thought about going. I just have to convince the wifie poo that she also wants to go. She's not thinking she would like the long ride. it would be a 6-8 hour ride for us. I know she would like it once we got there. After all she wasn't sure she wanted to go to the "Leaf Looker's Run" last fall either. But she ended up really enjoying herself. Is there anybody in my area, (Thorp, WI) that might be going so we might have someone to ride with? Or at least meet along they way? I'm thinking we would enjoy the 53 north to Duluth and then shoot west route better than heading into the twin cities. Thanks, Bill
  12. Yes that! Well for the most part anyway. lol And that too.
  13. Yes that! Well for the most part anyway. lol And that too.
  14. Quite often in the past, it wasn't the bolts fault that it gets rounded off. It was the cheap tools that people were using on them. Other times they were using the wrong tool for the job. I never use or keep allen wrenches or any other tools that come with furniture, appliances or the like. I'm also very picky about where I buy tools. I may not always buy "The Best", but I don't buy cheap either. I've been pretty lucky with my MKI and haven't run into any bolts that wouldn't come out without rounding off or breaking, and I always use anti-seize wherever I can when I do have to take something apart. Bill
  15. Honk honk!
  16. It is the "Crooked River Resort" S8019 US Highway 61 Readstown, WI. 54652 1-608-629-5624 I reserved the Rustic cabin, same as last year. Now who is gonna bring what? I can bring my tripod grill, hotdogs, a dozen or so cheddar/jalapeno brats and burgers again for one of the nights to share. And I'll be sure to bring some sauerkraut for Lisa! I'll try to remember to grab my bowsaw as well. Unless I can find a small chainsaw for cutting fire wood. Is there anything anybody else can think of to grab? I'll bring my fancy schmancy clip-on LED headlight so I can be like Bryan as well. Oh ya! I can grab some Duct tape, bubble wrap, and training wheels for Ken. Bill
  17. So does anybody happen to know if Crooked Creek is still gonna be open come this fall? If nobody has checked in with them lately, I can try to give them a call after work this after noon. If I can remember anyway. If not, what are our other options? Bill
  18. I've had a breaker bar for many years now. It broke some time back, but nobody in my area sells Thorsen tool anymore. They have a lifetime guarantee but it does me no good if there is nobody to go to to get it replaced. Does anybody here know who sells them these days or who used to sell them? Even if I can find out who used to sell them they will usually give me their new brand as a replacement. For some reason I thought it was Farm & Fleet. Thanks, Bill
  19. The Phase change technology is a great idea. I have packs that work in the opposite direction. They get warm when activated. They are a liquid when charged and have a small disk inside that you "click" to set off the reaction to warm them up. The downside was that whenever I wanted to use one, they were already activated somehow. How do you activate these? I'm assuming these go from a solid phase to a liquid phase? Bill
  20. Just took a look at your Cobra. Though I'm not a huge fan of the 2nd gen stangs, that is is the sweetest one I've seen so far. I wouldn't mind being caught driving that one. How's the body holding up with the extra HP under the hood? I'm more of a fan of the 1st gens myself. The 69-70 in particular. But I do like where they've gone with the stangs in the past few years though. If I ever won the lottery, a 70 Boss in grabber blue would be my first choice.
  21. I suppose I could've mentioned it was an F100. lol It's not pretty, but it's reliable. Until I took out the spiders anyway. First 9" Ive wrecked. For now I'm just concentrating on getting it better mileage and working the bugs out everything in the engine and running gear before I move onto the body. So far I swapped in a 1991 351W w/MEFI, E4OD trany, tilt wheel, cruise, power windows, power locks, etc.. Plans are to drop the rear 6-8 inchs and the front 5 or so. Not that I want to slam it or anything, but for less drag and better handling.
  22. I had a similar situation a while back when trying to get a belt for a lawnmower. The manufacturer wants $30+ for it. So I head out to the local hardware stores and implements. None of them could help without a P/N or make/model of the mower. All gave me the same ridiculous prices and said they would have to order it and charge me shipping as well on top of it. So I finally took out a tape measure and measured the circumference and figured out the profile for myself. I went back to one of the same stores and pulled what I needed off their shelf and payed $12. By the way, the manufacturers specs on said belt, weren't even close to the actual specs. Is this so we're stuck with going to them? Now alot P/N's are associated with the specs of most products. And if you take some measurements you can get into the ball park of what your looking for. And then refine your search from there. Which by the way, was the old school way of doing things. Over the years I've worked in several warehouses. If someone came in with a part that had been worn enough so as that the P/N was no longer all there or gone completely, I could still find what they were after. Even if they simply had some dimensions. Why is it so hard to use our brains these days instead of relying on computers?
  23. Anybody here have any experience with rebuilding them? I tore up the spider gears in my 78 this spring. I had bought a new ring and pinion to change the ratio from the 3.25:1 that was in it to go to 3.89:1 so it would be more ideal with the transmission gearing, peak horsepower, and tire size I would be running a while back. Now is a good time to get them in while I was replacing the diff case seeing as how the original one had holes punched through it. But now that I have everything together, I need to set the rotational force on my pinion and carrier bearings. But I don't have a torqometer, and a spanner wrench would also come in handy. Would anybody happen to have either of these and be willing to lend them or help out who lives in the Thorp/Eau Claire/ Chippewa Falls/ Abbotsford , WI. area? Anybody have any tips or hints that I should be aware of? Anybody have the proper torque specs? I've found several places on the net with them, but they vary a bit from one to the other. One says to set the preload on the pinion to 22-32 inch lbs., which definitely feels way to tight. I just don't want to go through all the money and trouble just to have the thing melt down or explode on me. Thanks for any assistance, Bill
  24. A while back I remember a thread about a tachometer program for a pc that used a microphone to determine the rpm of and engine by listening to the sound of the engine. I had the program downloaded, but never got a chance to try it out before I lost it. Now I can not find it again for life of me. Does anybody remember it and know the link? Bill Never mind, I finally found it here http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=38904&highlight=tachometer+program
  25. Anybody use these on their 1st gens? How do/did you like them? Pros? cons? I'm gonna be needing some new pads soon and was just thinking about all the different kinds that are available and thought maybe these would be a nice upgrade from the OEM/organics or even maybe the semi metallic pads. Sooner or later I plan on doing the SS brake line upgrade, but until then I figured better pads would do. I really have no problem with the brake system as it is now, but any improvement would be a good thing. Bill
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