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About a1bummer

  • Birthday 11/16/1970

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  • Location
    Chippewa Falls, WI, United States


  • City
    Chippewa Falls


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    To many to list.
  • Bike Year and Model
    84 Venture Royal & RSV Millennium

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  1. If it ends up in Viroqua, you know I'll be volunteering.
  2. Not to long ago, someone mentioned that the early 83's were built to the same specs as the VMax engines. Anybody have any input on this. Can anybody confirm this? If so, does anybody know where the serial numbers end/begin? I keep hearing people say that the MKII 1300's weren't as quick or powerful as the MKI 1200's. I would think the 1300's would be quicker due to the extra 100cc's. Some say they were all detuned half way through 1983. Anybody have anything more to go on than just speculations? I'm looking for real facts and data here. Just bouncing some ideas around in my head. Thanks, Bill
  3. I just dropped this 86 1300 into my 84 about 3,100 miles ago. I ran into a little problem with my transmission a couple weeks back. When I was getting on her in second gear, it was like I went into neutral or missed a gear. Then it shifted all the way up into 5th but it didn't feel right. Then it wouldn't come out of 5th. I was able to limp it home stuck in high gear all the while is felt like it was stuck almost in gear and would slip out if I gave it to much throttle. As I was taking it apart here's what I found: Two friction discs without a clutch disc between. Either missing clutch disc or an extra friction disc? A really sloppy weld job done to the end of the axle drive shaft for some odd reason. It looks like that lovely weld job weakened the axle drive shaft and the shaft snapped. Apparently that's where all the noise was coming from. I also found another broken piece. "CAM, DRIVEN" according to the microfiche. Lucky for me, I have a couple spare engines sitting here. An 83 with a good second gear and a broken lower case, and an 84, (the original engine out of my bike), with second gear out. Which is why I dropped the 86 in there in the first place. I'm going to do some gear swapping to get both the 84 and the 86 back up to snuff. Now a couple of questions to help confirm my thoughts. Somebody please correct me if I'm wrong on anything. I'm trying to remember everything I've read and learned on this wonderful forum over the years. All the gears in the MKI & MKII are the same and interchangeable, right? Does anybody know the new part number for the upgraded washer that replaces the soft ones that were the root cause of the second gear problems in the MKI's? Is there anything I might be leaving out? Also, I was doing a quick look on eBay for transmissions and such. I keep seeing people selling the middle gears separately. Aren't they installed as a pair? They should be a matched set just like a ring and pinion, shouldn't they? Thanks for any input and/or advice. Bill
  4. I'm having the same issue with my center-stand. BUT! It only started after putting the new engine in it. After doing some more looking, I noticed that the rear muffler clamp on the driver's side was in a position as to not allow the center-stand to fully retract back up to where it should be. When it quits raining, I'm going out to fix it. Bill
  5. MK1 rear shock and spring options. Are there any options out there to replace or upgrade the rear shock or spring? I've been searching and I'm not finding anything. Things feel a bit squishy back there and I'm sure after 30 years and about 88,000 miles, a new spring at the very least might stiffen things up a bit. Putting Progressives up front quite a few years ago helped a lot, but I don't see anything for the rear. Thanks, Bill
  6. And if you use a file to notch the antenna where the set screw pinches it, its much more likely to stay put if the screw does come a bit loose. Bill
  7. I had made a swivel for my trailer some years back. It comes in real handy when parked on uneven ground and the bike is on it's side-stand. Bill
  8. Looks a lot cheaper, thanks. Bill
  9. I finally found where to find new twist studs, eyelets, and washers for attaching the pouches to the trunks on the 1st gens online. I know some of us have been looking for them in the past. I can't find them locally. http://www.coversuperstore.com/Snaps-Grommets-Hardware/ Bill
  10. Sorry to hear that. I hope you have beer luck with them than I did. That's the same package I went with the first time around. I'm much happier with my 55w now.
  11. Whatever you do, stay away from these guys! They're nothing more than a bunch of lying thieves. First they went by the name, HID Country, now they go by Light Pros. They are anything BUT professional. They will tell you they are not the same people, but are. I went rounds with them about a ballast that went bad after only a month. I finally got a second one that they said was a direct replacement. It wasn't. All my emails were ignored. When I called, I was told one would be sent right out, a month later, nothing. I called again and went through the same thing again. Finally after months of getting nowhere I asked to talk to the owner. which turned out to be the first guys brother. So I knew this was going to be a fun conversation. One of the first things out of hiss mouth was how he hated complainers. Referring to me. Then he proceeded to play the race card and accused me of being a racist when I said, "you people keep lying to me". Apparently when a person says, "you people" they are referring only to blacks, and he took offense to it. I was really curious how I was supposed to know what color he was when I was only talking to him on the phone and not there in person. Then it only got uglier from there. I have an H4 LED headlight here that I tried if you would like to give it a try. It was plenty bright, but the pattern was more of a flood than a spot patter that I was looking for. Its plug and play also by the way. I went back to a HID headlight. This time I went with a 55w, which I like much better than the 35w. Bill
  12. I have mixed feelings. On one side, you simply DON'T stop on a busy highway unless there's an emergency. I'm curious to know the details of the situation. Did she stop over a hill, around a curve, etc. so the biker couldn't see the car until it was to late? What was the biker doing that he couldn't stop in time? Speeding, distracted, riding into the sun, etc.? If I run into a stationary object, I tend to feel it would be my own damn fault. But there are often extenuating circumstance that we're simply not aware of. Its just to sad that so many live have been so tragically altered for the rest of their lives, and all for some ducklings. Just my Bill
  13. Mine does cover the license plate. I was prepared to move the plate if anybody had a cow over it. 2.200 miles through WI., MN., IA., OK., MO., and IL. nobody batted an eye at it. I'll post some pics of how I mounted mine when I get a chance. Bill
  14. These guys seem to have some good setups. http://www.motorcycletunes.com/default.asp Bill
  15. Great minds think alike! I put a MKII trunk on my 84 a few years back. Before my trip to Oklahoma I mounted the original MKI trunk where my hitch plate bolts to. 2,200 miles round trip and no problems. Couldn't even tell it was back there. It provided the extra space I needed without having to take the trailer, and put the extra weight down low. Bill
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