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Everything posted by Daitan

  1. Well, I had posted before about insurance, but here is mine at a closer look: Property Damage...50,000...........$33.52 Personal Injury Protection and Optional Basic Economic Loss..........................$6.80 Bodily Injury...50,000/100,000.....$27.30 Total......................................$67.62 Statefarm in upstate NY. I also have a car under the policy and an accident prevention course discount. This is also for One Year of Coverage.
  2. Glad to see people are taking time to come out if they can. Big Tom, when you come south on 332 off the thru way, it will be on the RIGHT side, past the LeBrun Toyota Dealer. It's not too far past the Tractor Supply. And the weather is supposed to be NICE tomorrow too!!!!! So, looking forward to meeting everyone!!!! :301:
  3. You really don't need the windshield...there are not any bugs in the garage, are there??? But yes, extremely funny!!!!! :12101: New handle...Red Baron??? The snoopy version.
  4. Very glad to start "paying it forward" Had a nice talk with James, keep your chin up. I hope you find a suitable place sooner than later. :fingers-crossed-emo:fingers-crossed-emo
  5. OK FOLKS, I see there is some misunderstanding happening...I posted for a meet and eat. I did not say anything about a ride. I have been reading all the posts and when a ride is to take place on a specific day, I will say that specifically. And also post how many miles the ride will be, and where we will be going on the ride. I also took into account that more people would like a saturday ride. No problem, I can plan those too. All I was planning was to meet and people in the area, if they ride to the restaurant, thats great, if not thats cool too. Hope to see people on the 28th. A ride will happen later when weather is nicer.
  6. :think: I forgot, This is an eating club that rides bikes. Now I remember, can't remember who told me though:innocent::innocent:
  7. Heard a rumor one time...that said, pick a date to eat, and they will come!!!! Where are they???:whistling:
  8. I am 100 miles from buffalo, but would be happy to donate my address for such things. We could always arrange a middle pick up point. Let me know.
  9. The event has been added to the calendar, and thanks Bongo, we will def get together before too long. I will try and plan something every month. A different loop of travel, I would also like to know how many miles people usually like to ride. that would give me a good basis on how to plan the future rides. And yes,:ice_awesome-vi46644will be worked into the ride somewhere along the way.
  10. Hello ALL, With the beginning of a new job, it will give me flexibility to try and pull together and organize some get togethers and rides for us. But, First off, I am looking at Sunday the 28th, at Tom Wahls in Canandaigua. On 332, here is the address: 2510 State Route 332, Canandaigua, NY 14424 I am hoping it will be a sunny day that day. So we can ride. Let's say 11:00 am. I look forward to meeting and putting faces to those who I have chatted with. Til then..."let's be safe out there" :big-grin-emoticon: (hill street blues quote)
  11. because there are saying they overpaid me $2300, to which I have to pay back, and if I end up winning, I get the missing pay paid out retro active. which would be about $1300. And, I have not started the new job yet, and I cannot accept the decision they have made, cause I refused the unsolicited job with good cause.
  12. The so called ALJ, has determined that my reasons for job refusal were non compelling. And that there isn't enough of a difference between a job that punches a time clock and is home everyday, and an OTR trucking job that would put out of the house 5 nights a week. :puzzled: So, once again I have to appeal to the appeal board to possibly override the ALJ's decision. Unbelievable!!!!!! I don't get what these people can be thinking of that they can't see the difference between the two. Might be that they just don't care.:stickpoke::think: I almost forgot, with all the bad news floating around my place...I have accepted a new job. Fulltime, no more seasonal junk, home everyday, and allot closer than previous job. So, That is ray of sunshine amongst the clouds for me and my girl.
  13. Are you close to filers in macedon? there pretty good
  14. Ok Txsturgis, carrier A, OTR dry van. 70/8. Must use log book. carrier B, local B class cement mixer. Falls under the 100 air mile radius. NO LOG BOOK.
  15. I would like those who are law enforcement to please reply, this needs to be factual. It's for my hearing. Is there a regulation governing hours of service for: driving for motor carrier A, (who is an OTR carrier) and then driving for motor carrier B, (who falls under the 100 air mile radius) how much time off is required from when I stop driving for carrier A, and I begin to drive for carrier B?
  16. Yeah I know the feeling!!! I am getting tired of the cold weather, and can't wait to get some mileage. I have some friends that would like to do about 200-300 mile rides. I'll post on here for what will come. just waiting on warmer weather:backinmyday::backinmyday: I might need a trike by the time warmer weather actually decides to come:no-no-no::no-no-no:
  17. Now, if anyone can offer some advice as to...how to dress? preparations and anything else that might be important to know when going before an Administrative Law Judge. Thank you in advance:fingers-crossed-emo:fingers-crossed-emo:fingers-crossed-emo
  18. The sooner we stop listening to "RODENTS" I think we all will be better off. even if the rodents hold a position in office:shock3::shock3:
  19. It's a snowmobile with wheels:080402gudl_prv::080402gudl_prv:
  20. Mine is holding the door for someone, :2143: out of courtesy, only to be ignored.:confused24::sign cmon: What happened to "thank you":confused07::confused07::confused07: Tell ya what, I'd like to...:buttkick::buttkick:
  21. I would say yes. And if it is possible talk to the bike shop and see if you can bring them down and change them out before they balance them. That way the better rotors are balanced with the new tires. Most bike shops should be accommodating. :080402gudl_prv:
  22. Daitan


    Just wanted to let you nice folks that I have started to work. And that I received a letter from Unemployment, my file is under review, and it has the possibility to go to a hearing. So, this is positive news. I am afloat and have been able to keep my head above water, with some extremely kind members. Thank you again. I also, will be posting for a CNY meet an greet and EAT, sometime in April. I like to look at the weather before going for a ride. So, giving you guys a heads up. It will be on a sunday. I am thinkning of either the 14th or the 28th. I will post a definite date and location later. Respect, Daitan :clap2:
  23. I'm here Bob, Whats up:fishin::fishin:
  24. OMG, your bike insurance for the year is more than my car and bike together. And I thought being in NY, we normally pay high prices for things. But OUCH!!!! My bike for a year is $85. And I use statefarm, other insurance carriers start at $170+ per year. maybe statefarm realizes that we can only ride a certain number months out of the year and pro rate it. just guessing there, but it makes sense.
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