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terry hutchens

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Personal Information

  • Name
    terry hutchens


  • Location
    jonesville nc, United States


  • City
    jonesville nc


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    1984 venture royale
  1. so yesterday I was in a mood to tinker, replaced fuse block,installed resistor for new gel battery,dyna beads for front tire that shimmied. all is good now!
  2. I have a 84 with the same problem. how much dyna beads did you use, front tire is 120-90-18 65H thanks
  3. yeah i took all four out, gonna switch them around and see. thanks!
  4. took mine apart to clean and noticed when i put it back together two of the carb joints seemed to be longer.did'nt pay attention when i took it apart. but made sure all the joints was turned inward when i re-installed. tall ones in front? in back? i dont know. thanks.
  5. now i can't find a chrome cover small enough. does anybody know where i can find one? thanks!
  6. got me a purolator pro one L25288 today and it works just fine. i'm gonna like this set up. now to find a chrome cover. thanks to all!
  7. plenty of thread left on adapter,thread on filter has a stop. won't let it turn all the way thru.
  8. just bought a mobile 1.m1-206. the thing is it bottoms out before it gets to the adapter plate by a quater inch or so. seems like the threads stop on the filter.i printed a list of alternatives. btw i got the adapter on ebay.
  9. i just got one too for my 84. i see where some of the other filters that fit it have check valves. would it matter one way or another?
  10. i use a can that stuff you use to blow off your computer key board to clean out the plug wells. since i don't have a compressor.
  11. it works. with headlight on high.
  12. and the winner is............... stroker ace! yep it's a headlight modulator, but it don't work. maybe check it out one day and see what's up with it. thanks
  13. audio? it's on now maybe turn off tomorrow see what happens
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