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Everything posted by onenut

  1. I use to live in port allegany pa which is about 30 minutes from olean use to drive through arcade to go to six flags. I have to get the bike back out and try it again since i know the brakes are fixed had the problem when i first brought it home so i will let you know how it goes. Thanks alot for the info also now I have to find the circut board for air ride control mine is cracked
  2. the bike moves fine in nuetral just in gear doesn't want to start out I backed it in my garage no problem also looking for info to bleed out the clutch resevior all the fluids are old di the brakes so they work now
  3. Ok just bought a 88 venture royale when trying to start out from stop takes a high rpm to get going trys to stall out any good suggestions welcomed haven't checked clutch yet. Got oil and plugs changed rear brake working didn't know they were intergrated with the front. Think clutch is making niose pull clutch it quiet let it out and making little niose.
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