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Everything posted by FROG MAN

  1. Trouble is right. I paid $430 for a new battery for Ramonas pickup this morning. Long story glad it's over.
  2. OK so where is the new pad? You staying in the area close to where you are? How am I gonna get my wine delivered to the beach if you move away?
  3. I got an empty buuilding that could use some high perrformance first gen parts!
  4. I lost my BOSE 901's in a house fire in 1980. I still miss those speakers never replaced them or my albums. Watched a Pink Floyd concert video brought back memories of 30 years ago. Those were the days Crosby,Stills,Nash, Neil Young,Bob Dylan,John Prine, Moody Blues,etc.Just thinking nothing else to do %#@ winter.
  5. I been working for 30 years as an electronic tech and I still feel old school. VOIP is the future for everyone and the power of the internet and wireless networks makes it possible. One thing is for sure the 50 bucks a month I pay for high speed dsl saves me easy $1000 plus a year in purchasing goods and services online.
  6. Always pay the price for the holidays. Bathroom seeing some OT now.
  7. I'm 11 miles from out closest cell tower. I use a directional beam antenna hooked to my home cell amplifier system. This system is linked via bluetooth to my home phone system. I have one of these at my home and our camp as I am on call 24/7 and require immediate phone service. Being in rural WV it's easy to get into cell towers in adjacent counties as you travel up mountains and hills,ridgetops,etc. Place a 911 call from there and you will probably ring a center in another county which they will transfer to the county your in taking up time. Also there is a time delay in verbally giving your location info as many systems are still upgrading E911 equipment.
  8. You got First Gen Manuals on that thing yet?
  9. My concern is how 911 calls are routed? I''m currently paying taxes and (5) 911 fee's. 1 for the pots land line and 4 lines on our family cell plan.Thats a chunk of money though priceless if you need to use the service. 911 calls through a landline receive ANI information from the phone company to the 911 center. This triggers a Automatic Location Info to be displayed on their data or mapping monitors for quick response with Law,Fire, and Ems Responders.Cells phone rely on signal triangulation and gps tracking. Try getting a gps lock inside your house while using a cell phone to make a 911 call. VOIP phone systems may not provide 911 service. The ones that do would need the ALI data sent to the 911 center data base.I doubt that a 911 center would store data records for systems not paying a 911 fee. My land line contract is up in April and I could totally downgrade it to dsl only but I'm watching this 911 call routing thing.Our 911 responders take about 20 minutes to arrive so all the help they can get with info is critical.
  10. Thats what I'm using as a backup is Skype.My brother is flying out this week to the Phillipines and we will stay in contact with skypes free video chat service. Their unlimited calling plan to a land line or mobile is a great deal US and Canada for $2.99 a month.This is a great supplement to my cell service.Like I said I saved $50 a month by downgrading my landline service last spring.
  11. Is anybody using a V.O.I.P. Phone service to replace your traditional land line? I downgraded my land line service to 911 dial out only though incoming calls are received. This saved me about $50 a month. We use cell phones for dial out and I'm testing V.O.I.P. as a backup source through the internet.
  12. Wife cooked an 8lb meatloaf for Christmas. Here I am drinking coffee and having meatloaf with chocolate pie at midnight. These kind of jobs require some OT.I got left over Ham,Potatoes, and fresh eggs scheduled for in the morning.
  13. A White Christmas and a good meal.A new laptop to share with Mamamo. This replaces here aging desktop whick I'm going to make a backup storage machine.
  14. That front wheel drive buick I had went great in the snow and good gas mileage. Ramona couldn't see over the hood cause the seat was to low and not adjustable. A good car though. It was a LeSabre.
  15. Brian In the last year we have installed about 200 miles of Motorola Canopy hops.Were connecting our towers together. Redneck my strongest business right now is my oil and gas clients. They pay top dollar but your right hard to find workers.
  16. This won't be bad I'm just adding knowledge for new products we sell and service. I'm thinking 8-10 hours a week should do it. Expanding my IT knowledge to service our wireless clients.
  17. Christmas time is a great reminder to hit the donate button on those venturerider dues for 2011. Well worth the price for another year.
  18. How does the job market look for you? Our company is doing a major change of operations gearing up for the future. I guess change must come losing some people and positions and hiring increases for other departments.Looks like this old dog has to learn some new tricks to stay ahead of the game.My position is firm just need to go back to school.
  19. I made a pressure gauge for inches of water column from plans on the internet I'm interested in seeing those plans been needing one of my own.I would start with cleaning the pilot orfice and replacement of thermocouple is a low dollar item.
  20. 60 degrees here might want to ride and get some. Shouldn't take more then a couple tanks to find some.
  21. LORD I'm thankful for this day and your bringing the family all together. It's not very often we get to set down for a nice family meal as our busy lives Do Not Permit.We fasted through breakfast to make room for that which MaMamo has prepared.A meal fit for a King.Give us Grace to eat until were done.Strength to find our way to the bedroom for a long nap afterwards. If I should die before I wake take care of my Family,Feed my dogs, and give my first gens to somebody who will appreciate them. AMEN
  22. Forget about that winter project stash money and cough it up. Your wife is going shopping on that dreaded Black Friday Madness Sale. Stampede Stampede run for your lives and get out of the way.Walmart is about to get there front doors widened. Hope no one gets trampled this year.
  23. Yep Yep my daily fix of venturerider threads and a little talk with the MAN goes a long way in keeping ones Sanity in a cruel and un-forgiving world. Happy Thanksgiving!
  24. $2200 for repairs.Expensive deer steak to me.Been hunting all week and haven't seen a thing.Guess I'll put the gun up and get the Chevy out.
  25. I hope you enjoy the fresh deer meat I layed on your front lawn at 7:00 am this morning. It's a nice big one well tenderized to. Please remove the pieces of my front bumper,turn signal,headlight,grille,and fender from it's A## before consumption. 2004 Chevy Silverado parts don't taste very good. I feel like taking out about 20 more. If I'm gonna turn in a insurance claim might as well do a good job. Here's to Road Hunting in the Chevy truck.
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