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Everything posted by FROG MAN

  1. Had that big 8 coming in to the feeder everyday. Then opening day of season he stopped by for a second to say he was going into hiding til season was over. He was seen yesterday but not at my feeder. Must have give up corn for adult doe activity somewhere else.
  2. Yammer that rack should bring the rut in.
  3. I think we need to ride West for the hunt next fall. Do they make gun holders for a first gen?
  4. This young Buck was standing under my feeder. We took these from the window inside my camp. http://i1132.photobucket.com/albums/m580/ggrabose/Falls%20Mill/buckdoecrop-2.jpg http://i1132.photobucket.com/albums/m580/ggrabose/Falls%20Mill/buckcrop-1.jpg
  5. I seen quite a few deer in Randolph County this week.
  6. This evening I had some doe's smelling around for corn and a nice 8 point smelling the ladies.:cool10:
  7. Now thats an idea. Wonder if Ramona would hold the light while I ......... BANG?
  8. Yep I'll be setting on the porch at the camp come Monday morning. Drinking hot coffee and trying to decide which one to shoot. I probably got about 10 head hanging around my 4 acers.
  9. I just changed insurance companys in August. Now I got a $15000.00 claim so they may drop me.Uninsured motorist drivng around about totaled mine. Maybe I should drive without any the neighbor says it's cheaper to pay the fine?
  10. The 84 was started not long ago. I need to move it down to shed so I can work on it. Ramona wants to ride some next spring so got to get them ready and on other side of creek.
  11. I hung a small corn feeder out back of the camp Sunday. Deer season coming up next week might hunt a few days. The feeder no longer works with the timer so I stopped by evenings after work and hit the manual start button. Monday evening there was three head waiting for corn. This evening there was six head waiting on me. Tomorrow who knows maybe 9 head? I smell steak a cooking.:cool10: It has been several years since I hunted with a gun but I have a high harvest rate with a pickup.
  12. Fired up the 89 last weekend. Might put in shed next week after deer hunting. Best time to work on shed is in the winter. Seems like only spare time is then.
  13. Estimate to fix my truck after deer damage was $2200. I took the money and ordered after market grille,bumper,headlights,etc for $400 and fixed it myself. Now Ramona's car is another story.The bill is $15,000.00 and rising. They should have totaled it.
  14. On my way to work this morning driving the Company truck. A scooter passed me on the Interstate before daylight doing about 80. I barley seen him coming with the frosted mirrors on the truck. My outside temp guage said 32. What is the windchill running 80 at 32 outside. Must be one of those electric suits he was wearing.
  15. No time for the gym tonight. Just go next door and bench press a few of the neighbors. You know you been wanting to!
  16. I seen my brother smash his laptop on the driveway,stomp on it a few times, then leave it lay in the rain for 6 months. It doesn't look like a nice Dell anymore. Things not that desperate here yet.Last thing I smashed was a cell phone.It.s an old family tradition.:smash2:
  17. Not happy today. I found a recover O/S menu to restore O/S to original default but still save personal data to backup file. I tried that and she locked up in the process. Now it won't boot No bootloader. I made a emergency boot cd from another windows 7 machine to boot into recovery manager with tools but everything I try like save personal data still locks up freezes before done.I'm taking day off but not working on this for another week. If I could pull hard drive out and connect it to my desk top then maybe I could get some data off?
  18. I have used window washer before but not for a few years. Might be worth a try.
  19. AVG will only run as a command line scanner in Safe Mode. Doing that now. Tell me about backups. I bought a Home Server last year for that purpose can't get anybody to use it but me and Ramona. More later.
  20. Update the computer is very slow to log off. If I force a shutdown the next time it reboots it checks files for consistency. During this process it always says deleting some index files and recovering some orphaned files. It's running a little faster this morning currently doing a AVG scan again. I checked the cpu speed last weekend to see if anything was hogging 100 percent of the processing power. No issues there.
  21. My daughters Gateway laptop I bought her for college graduation about 18 months ago has issues. It's running windows 7 64 bit with 4Meg of Ram. Recently everything runs extremely slow and sometime freezes up. Last weekend I managed to run a malware bytes scan no problems and a reg clean program. AVG antivirus still freezes before completing a scan. I did manage to check scandisk,defrag,cleanup junk files,etc. The computer takes about 10 minutes to boot up. I went in and done a clean boot. disabled all non essential statup up programs and disable services everything except windows essentials. this fixed the slow boot issue but still runs programs slow and internet. I'm thinking about doing a complete restoration but this would destroy all her files and pictures. Also trying to do a restore to an earlier point will usually do it but this computer says there are no earlier restore points. I have tryed to move her files to a usb jump drive but even that transfer rate is extremly slow. It says moving about 5 gig of data will take over 1 day to a usb jump drive Holy Cow.Anyway getting ready to make new pot of coffee and hit it again.Her system still shows 4 meg of ram what the H is going on?
  22. It came across the scanner they towed his vehicle from the Moose parking lot the other night.Glad he is off the road. My estimate so far is $12,000.00, also was told not to expect it anytime soon. I guess the body shop is covered up with repairs. Ramona is drivng a rental Puddle Jumper. 40 mpg that little car will fly just hit a bump and your airborne.:rotf:
  23. Got the dinner out of the way Saturday. We went to Texas Roadhouse for a Dallas Fillet and a yummy fully loaded sweet potatoe. Her favorite appetizer blooming onion. Dan I took a hard look at some Strawberry Boones Farm but figured we had enough kids. Might head down to the Camp Sunday night.
  24. Boones Farm ? Dan is that how you became the Father of Clay County? :rotf: I'll probably settle for a Wood Stove glowing at the camp with a bottle of Hatteras Red.
  25. Man I got our 30 year wedding anniversary coming up in a few days. This economy sucks been a lousy year. Does anybody know how to put the Romantic touches on a Hot Dog dinner for two?
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