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Everything posted by FROG MAN

  1. In Panama City Florida last summer they were a hot item on the beach rd. Every body had them rented. I felt out of place with the only big scoot cruising the strip.
  2. I gotta get me one of these. http://video.aol.com/video-detail/scooter-wheelie-king/717793347
  3. You want to stop that right away. First, do NOT start the bikes and let them idle for 15-20 minutes every two weeks. Those heat/cool cycles are murder on the engine, because the engine, transmission, exhaust, and oil, NEVER REACH OPERATING TEMPERATURE, so the moisture you drag in thru the air intake never gets burned off! Crankcase oil has to reach around 212 degrees, and stay there for awhile, to burn off water vapors. Thats why an hour or so on the highway is GOOD for all engines. Now that makes since. No way to go for a 1 hour ride from here till spring. I may have to tarp the front of the building and install a forced air gas heater. Also let the scoots idle for 1 hour maybe the engine will reach operating temp.Now all I need is :mo money:.
  4. Carl it has rained for 3 days. Yes that is a dirt floor with no heat. The front of the shed is open. I was going to fully enclose it with heat but I may be moving it in a few years so no plans to finish it.
  5. OK so I live beside a creek. My scoots are stored in a open shed enviroment. Today was 65 degrees and the engines were covered with heavy condensation. I don't think the water would bead heavier on the blocks if I sprayed them with a hose. This occurs quiet often in the winter and the scoots are harder to start when wet. The 84 failed to start this evening and thats a first at 65 degrees. I normally let the scoots idle for 15 - 20 minutes starting about every two weeks. I'm thinking this condensation is not good for the motor. Does the moisture also form inside the engine? What about the carbs and fuel tank? I have a mixture of seafoam in the fuel but this may help. I guess I should cover the scoots even in the shed.Rust a little every year because of this.
  6. I have enough trouble keeping it upright going forward.Reverse would be a shin bruiser then over she goes.:rotf:
  7. The words out about the V4 dependability. Here's the next phase. So who is buying one? http://jalopnik.com/cars/notag/report-new-toyota-minicar-to-get-yamaha-motorcycle-engine-310755.php
  8. No shooter bucks for me this year. I did take a yearling button as a landowner. This year a landowner could take a buck or doe on private land. Next week starts the public or private land antler less season. I won't get to hunt anymore until the muzzle loader season starts. Blown smoke at them is lots of fun.
  9. If I didn't have the 84 I might. Nah mamamo would kill me.:rotf:
  10. We talked with the owner of this guy last summer on our way to florida. He was all smiles until I ask him about fuel economy.
  11. A good ride for me is about 300 miles. Thats all WV twisties. A group maybe 175 to 200 is OK.A good 84 can cover several twisties in a day.
  12. I came home last evening to tragic news. The kids meet me at the door. Dad Dad the INTERNET IS DOWN! I called repair service the trouble was statewide. We sat around and had one of those stone age evenings.Wiped the dust off the TV and it still works. 4:00 am this morning and were back online. A hot cup of coffee and life is back to normal.:rotf:
  13. Hey Cowpuc! I just love how all threads end with a statement about a good running first gen. :rotf::whistling: For the rest good luck on quit smoking.
  14. Good looking scoot. I think they look sweet with the bags off. This thing is catching. Mamamo and Mini who is next? Hey Dan you got any plans maybe putting the Warden on one? I remember you had a sharp black one with a yellow tweety bird or something on it.:whistling:
  15. Could anybody deliver cheap?:rotf: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,312825,00.html
  16. The way them boys hit the throttle and handled the twisties. Reminded me of my 84 Good Game!:stirthepot:
  17. The tom tom one is a good unit for the price. Ours got wet in a downpour in florida it powered it self down. We use a sunshade for better visibility in direct sunlight. After it dried out in the motel it powered back up and works fine. I don't think light rain would be a problem and depending where you mount it. The windshield helps deflect the water. Our XM radio receiver is not water proof either. Our gps stays in the pickup and we only use it on the bike a couple trips a year.I don't ride in the rain if I can help it.
  18. New age thinkers. Russ did you pass your geography lesson? The books have been re written since we were in school. :rotf:
  19. So much for the super tech oil filter. Walmart does not carry this filter in our stores. I went to two different walmarts and there not even listed in the super tech filter quide. I had to make a decision between a Fram ph6017a or a Napa 1358 gold. I choose the napa filters for now. I guess I will order filters to keep on the shelf. Nothing else available in town.Got both atv's changed with fresh Rotella 5W40 synthetic.
  20. Yea Dray like I said. There over do for a change. The Atv's get rode more in Nov and December then any other month. There parked in the back of the shed until I put the ventures away for winter then the atv's come to the front for use. Sorry to neglect them but the first gen's come alive from spring till fall.The engine oil was still full and looked clean so no change was done. Now if I can figure out how to do a valve clearance check while there down for maint.
  21. I'm over do for an oil change. Our ATV's are single cylinder liquid cooled Yamaha 400 and 450 engines. These are the 4x4 Kodiak models and used mostly for hunting rugged terrain and slow manuevers. Our average speed might be 5 to 10 mph tops. We are over do for our first oil change. The service manual says first one do at 200 miles or 20 hours. Our atv's have about 350 miles each on them. I noticed the service manual says change oil at 200,750,1500, and every 1500 after that. Do I need to wait a while before switching to synthetic? It's not like we can break the motor in with 10K first. We average about 125 miles a year. My thoughts are extreme temperature variations. 0 degrees playing in snow in the winter to 100 in summer. Slow speed depends mostly on the liquid cooling with less air flow.I have noticed the electric fans kick on often. I'm going to be using Rotella oil with super tech oil filters. Just wondering if I should wait a while before upgrading to synthetic?
  22. Looks like sears craftsman has a sale on there motorcycle jack to day. Not a bad price. http://www.sears.com/shc/s/p_10153_12605_00950190000P?keyword=50190&sid=I0084400010000100600&aff=Y
  23. I think the word is out. First gens rule.:rotf: Now if we could just get 100 to show up at a meet.
  24. It's that time of year again. The dreaded Black Friday Sale. Women dream about this day for months. By tomorrow night the check book will be empty. Last year I got there 1/2 hour before opening at 5:00 am. I had 600 ahead of me. Now I know why Walmart quit the layaway program. It keeps the low lifes out. Middle class still puts on a good pushing and shoving show with fights to. I'm not going this year but mamamo will bring me a report.I hope she parks on the far end of the lot easy on the paint.
  25. Dan what a day! 74 degrees hogs everywhere. I was tempted to ride today but didn't. Can't wait to here that new scoot run. It will be just like old times passing harleys and second gens all day. Rain tomorrow and snow friday. Good luck.
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