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Everything posted by FROG MAN

  1. Randy He is in our prayers for a swift recovery.
  2. Every joint in my body could use some slick 50 or something. Maybe I should start drinking my Dads motor oil. That's what he calls his Ice Tea.
  3. Dan you working alone? Does this mean the Warden is the Project Manager? Keeping track of the figures and looking at the budget. Gonna have to sneak down that way and see this thing before long.
  4. Nothing more Romantic then a good ole WV Hot Dog dinner for two.You done good Dan.
  5. What would you buy? It seems my old battery charger went belly up over the winter. I need something dual purpose for motorcycle battery's and automotive.I had an old Napa charger it done 10 amp and 2 amp charges with a 55 amp start boost but it's dead now.
  6. I stole mine off the farm when she was 17. That was 30+ years ago. Nothing better then a good woman and a good first gen.
  7. Yep Getting more work out the the third one. Not use to this might have a good one now.Garage looking good.
  8. I have seen my neighbor shagging A## out to his garage more then once. Something about a Tornado last time He was moving quick.
  9. Dan make it good and solid. If a bad storm is coming you need a good storm shelter to run to. Nothing brings peace of mind like a bomb shelter full of first gens. Just save enough room for you and the warden if needed.:cool10:
  10. Son-N-Law cut 1 acre of grass in 1.5 hours last evening. I cut 1 acre this morning in .5hr ? I work on salary he is hourly wage??:confused24:
  11. Dan you ever use one of these? http://www.harborfreight.com/propane-torch-with-push-button-igniter-91037.html Like to try it out on a few neighbors!
  12. He should have plenty to do. I gave him keys to my daughter last weekend. When he gets in the dog house he can jump on John Deer.
  13. Brought home New John Deer riding mower. I made one lap around the back lot and threw Son-N-Law the spare set of keys. He said how much can I cut? I said ALL YOU WANT and told him to keep the keys. He was grinning as he fired it up! I was grinning as I went in the shed looking for the 84.
  14. Looks like a couple of fresh mugs in the Jug from Clay County.Dan you might own that street yet?
  15. Dan you had to enjoy that moment! When is my turn coming? I could use a good cleaning on this end of the County.Front row seat ya say NICE!:cool10:
  16. Dan you might want to use some filler in those holes covering with concrete might save some $$$$. You got any crackhead neighbors to use as filler? Just thinking!
  17. Going to introduce him to my two best friends. SMITH & WESSON I don't have patience I use to and my trigger finger gets twitchy. Must be old age and corpal tundra catching up with me.
  18. This one says he is ready to weed eat and cut grass.Just lay it on him. Could it be I will have time on weekends to ride first gen? We shall see! Third time might be the charm.Like to have a good one. I could build new garage like Yammer.
  19. :rotf::mo money::mo money: Reminds me of my brothers wife in the phillipines. He talks to her everyday on skype. I can't understand her broken english very well but one thing comes through loud and clear. SEND MO MONEY!
  20. Do to circumstances beyond your control Who has access to your SS#? All personel record files you have ever done business with just sitting in some file cabinet or database. School records,banks,utilities,doctor office, X wife,maybe even public record doc at the court house. So what is your SS# worth to someone else? Were not talking about Credit card theft here but Identity Theft. My neighbor just pulled her free credit report to see what was wrong and found out someone had run up $40,000 in bad debt using her SS#.Identity Theft is harder to wipe clean then just a stolen credit card number with purchase. I think we would all be suprised to learn how easy it is to get yours or my SS#.
  21. Rib's a little sore this weekend. Had to put my 04 pickup in the shop for brakes,rotors,and new wheel bearing. I was to sore to work on it.Putting Jardines on the 84 maybe next weekend.
  22. Were heavier now then we have ever been. I told Mamamo we might not be able to ride together on the bike. She could ride in the trailer?
  23. I got two new batteries setting in the floor. Time to let the grass grow where the first gen is parked.
  24. That sounds like my office. air and water leaks at the floor level. Metal building on a slab built by a WV Contractor. Now I know how all the bugs get in. Not sure where the snakes come from, the squirrels just come in the open bay door.
  25. Yea contractors don't work for money down there. They get a free check in the mail. Dan you got anything else to barter with?
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