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Everything posted by FROG MAN

  1. Just my luck. I'll take a look see if I can temp fix it then decide what to do.It has been leaking for a while so if I can patch it then dry out maybe re pipe is in order.
  2. Yea that's what I got is a gray looking Pex. Not sure where to buy it anymore it's been in for 32 years.It might just be a leaky crimp I'll take a look. Need to find a supplier before I take it apart.
  3. Dan you will need to get the nozzle adjustment right for you spray pattern. So try it out on anything neighbors cat,car, house anything will work.
  4. I painted the camp roof with a wagner. Works great got the metal roof paint from lowes.
  5. I hoped to get the bikes back on the road 0 miles this year. My dad and brother are moving out of the rental into his new house so I'll have a mortgage to pay when he is gone. Daughter and new son-n-law would like too move in it but both are still looking for work.
  6. My kenda kruz still looks new after 6 years. Might wear down if I ride the bike though.
  7. I'm hoping it's the hot water line. That way I can shut it off and let it dry up a few days.The ground is soft enough to dig just needs to dry out some.Looks like a trip to ACE Hardware for parts.
  8. I got a water leak under the house. It's on the back side which is low to the ground.I use to get under there fine but now I don't fit. So my options are 1. Dig a ditch to crawl in. 2.Jack up the house. 3.Loose some weight and try it in a couple months. 4. Hire a skinny plumber. I wonder why the electric bill increased. The submersible pump is running more often.This honey dooo list never gets finished.
  9. Dan you got a trailer to tow it behind a first gen? Good 4 wheeler riding down at the camp.
  10. Ahhhhhhh YES the secret to a long and happy marriage. CHEESECAKE!
  11. I always thought a 4 wheeler looked good with MUD on them? Never seen one buffed and looking shiny.:confused24:
  12. Does a first gen rider hit the ground faster then a second gen rider? Thinking about getting on my roof now where did I put that rope and safety harness?
  13. Same problem here Dan. The gasoline disappears from my vehicles, and food from the pantry but NO WORK GETS DONE!:confused24:
  14. Looks like he was just helping out a second genner broke down there on the lift. Yammer still remembers how to work on a Harley from his younger years.
  15. My new best friend is ALEVE! I actually got some work done on the honey do list yesterday.
  16. Ruff I'll keep that in mind. Capitol one just took over my GM and Yamaha Cards about $19,000 line of credit.I don't carry a balance on those so I'm good just wait and see. I did use my original Capitol one platinum to buy new glasses last month but I'll pay that off.I remember back in 08 Banks were reducing lines of credit and cancelling unused cards. Now there trying to give it all back!
  17. I have not had a problem with Capitol One or any of my credit cards.I would much rather use a credit card then a debit card.I don't carry cash only credit cards.It's the only way I can track my spending habits to the detail.Using multiple banks it's fun having them compete for your business. Use your power of negotiation to lower interest rates,match other card offers and get fixed for life single digit balance transfers if you need it.If you travel on vacation take a few extra cards with you.I also use Quicken to budget,schedule my payments and bills.Takes all the stress out of licking stamps and juggling bills.I carry a line of credit equal to or greater then my annual income. Now that is power but maybe not for everyone.Credit cards is a great way to increase your credit score just keep your utilization low and your score will go up.
  18. GM Card was just sold to Capitol One. So was my Yamaha Card it's Capitol One now. Good advice not to close the accts for credit score and credit history sake but make sure you monitor the activity religiously.
  19. Tapped on the bowels several times but no luck. It's definitely floats sticking. I mixed some sea foam with gallon of fresh fuel then pumped some into the carbs. It looks like the two on the kick stand side may be stuck. Going to let it set for a week might have more time to look at it then.Always something more grass to cut later.
  20. Thanks Squid. Scoot setting down at the camp. I just came up to get some fuel,seafoam, and my new license plates.
  21. What do you think?I put a new battery in the 89 today it had been 3 months since I had it started. It started on the first crank and everything seemed OK. Then I noticed fuel pouring out from under it.The fuel pump and connecting hoses from the pump are dry. I can only see one hose hanging down in front of the swing arm it's dry.Do you think the float bowels are sticking and my fuel is flowing out the overflows? I can't see them but thinking there should be 4 of them. Or maybe a fuel line has ruptured. I have major fuel not dripping but pouring off the fuel pump side of the swing arm. Then again on the side stand it's leaning that way.
  22. Dan quads are a lot of fun. I was thinking negotiating from $3200 up if it is a good one.The key is a good one. I looked at used ones a year old and never did find a good one.Had to buy new to satisfy my mind. Kids can really trash one in a hurry.
  23. The Acessors office should be out to appraise that for a tax increase next year?
  24. I would say he just has a valve stuck open.
  25. Whats going on with Grass? My scoot gasoline budget is being sucked down the carb of the lawn mower. This crazy weather hot with rain everyday? I think the grass growing is setting off the motion dectectors in the yard.New Son-N-Law had a grip on it but since he took that job cutting and grooming a golf course the last thing on his mind is my front yard when he gets home.Five more gallon please $$$$.
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