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Everything posted by FROG MAN

  1. Just be glad we didn't post the good stuff. Whoops I done said to much.Looking good RandyA!
  2. NO TROUBLE? BOY DOES SHE HAVE A STORY TO TELL YOU. Might take a few bottles of wine to get it out of her but she has been nothing but trouble recently.Oh not with me I'm on her good side.Yea she's at work.
  3. Don't make me have to ride up there so I won't miss nothing. Cause if I do I'll have to bring TROUBLE and you know how much TROUBLE SHE CAN BE!
  4. Dropped it is a real possibility. I been looking at bike then looking at creek then looking at bike then looking at creek. Decisions Decisions.
  5. The views reminds me of our condo rental when we stayed at Top Sail Island. Wife had a blast down there picking up shark teeth while shelling.
  6. Hatteras Island is like a second home. We go once or twice a year. Nice ride up and down the coast and the views are awesome. Where else can you watch the Sun rise and set on the water from the same location?
  7. Dan you should of added a few more 9's there. Why is it my fuel economy drops to about 100 miles per tank when we ride? I better be quiet Warden might be reading this.
  8. I'll be on the Outer Banks in 3 weeks. Hatteras Island to be exact. Riding,Fishing, kicking back on the deck with a little Wine??? Ahhhhhh MINI you bringing the WINE??

    Good Day

    I got a 4 fill up ride day coming up.
  10. I'd like to have a dollar for every connection I've heat treated at 1:00 in the morning. Nothing like a power amp down on some 911 gear due to faulty solder connections.
  11. Enjoy the time with family and the new camper as much as possible.Most people buy one but never take time to use it. We used ours religiously raising the kids.There a great investment if you take the time to enjoy them.
  12. I got the 89 out for a few miles yesterday thanks to Yammer Dan getting my attention off all the work stacking up.Anyway that Barnette clutch spring kit makes for a harder clutch lever pull but it grabs like a pitt bull. It's been over a year since I had it out and I have noticed some changes in my old body since then. My left elbow joint pain kicked in and I had to wait a minute or so before I could work the clutch. After about 75 miles of riding my left hand spasmed to the point my fingers wedged and I could not close my fist until the pain resided. The scoot ran great but I sure could use some grease on the old joints.
  13. Whats the price for a first gen wash and wax? Ugly looking good.
  14. I hope she gets a high position and a big raise. I could retire and ride the scooot while she works.
  15. Her life is worth more then $20.00! Thats how much the store owners save everynight by making her work the last 2 hours alone. Then close the store,sweep,mop, get out the trash. This is a robbery or worse waiting to happen. Not a question of will it happen but when? and to whom? It has affected my health just waiting to see if she gets home safe like right now It's 1:03AM in the morning.
  16. I just need some time. Maybe next weekend I'll clean it up.I was to tired today to even cut the grass. Spring allergies are kicking in and working OT with little sleep has wore me down. I got a new battery ready to go in. Then just clean connection up on the electrical and maybe seafoam the carbs and she is ready to go. Oh yea a good wash job. Darn Cats and Birds been abusing the scoot.
  17. I'm home safe! Wait a minute I didn't go anywhere.
  18. After today I may have just retired her. I think she could use a break anyway.Six weeks rest at home and then a trip to the beach for a week should do her some good.
  19. For the first time in her life Ramona was late for work.Good reason to a last minute schedule change she didn't know about.It's time to pull her out for a better life. Here is to a M-F job somewhere waiting for her that permits weekends off.We need family time and riding time.Last year the scoot wasn't out of the barn not once. That ^#!@ Stops today.Sorry guys just had to vent. Wish us luck.I chewed on her managers arse today and boy did that feel good.I was about ready to hit second gear when she hung up on me.
  20. Just wanted to try an AGM battery. Never heard anything bad about the 680. I'm done with wet cells and besides it's only Money.If I like it I'll buy 1 or 2 more for the 84 and 99.
  21. Yep had to fix mine. Remove guage from tank and clean the rust out of it. You may have to slightly bend the wiper arm to make good tension contact. Works good on my 84 now.Easy check with ohm meter just watch value change when float moves up or down.
  22. I hope so that new Odyssey has 680 CCA should turn something over.
  23. With buying cheap batteries. I got a new Odyssey on the way.The last 3 local specials last about 1 year. Wife gave the order to get the 89 on the road.:banana:
  24. I cut myself and bleed like a stuck hog almost ever time I shave.I been using a Gillette Mach 3 system for years with no problem. It must be old age and poor eyesight. Have they made any improvements with those electric shavers? Or should I go looking like BEER 30? :think:
  25. I'm looking at Geo-Thermal for the new house. Our local water well service also installs the ground loops. Just waiting for my ship to come in. Has anybody seen it? This would be great in a log home with a wood stove supplement.
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