U-Haul makes a purpose-built motorcycle trailer and the RSV fits in it perfectly. Trailer is just over 9' from inside the ramp to the front of the tire cutout in front of the trailer. Has sturdy strap loops and it is low to the ground. Only about $25/day.
Hauled my bike from where I purchased it in Pella, IA to back home in Madison, MS. Wrapped tie-down straps around hand grips to the low loops in the trailer and pulled tight to compress fork (not quite all the way down). Put another pair of straps from the bag guard rail to the back low loops (hard to see in these pics). No problems during that long haul back home.
Rode the bike up into the trailer to load, backed it down w/ feet flat on the ground at home. Have a slight dip in the driveway which helped flatten the ramp bump.