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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/21/2025 in all areas

  1. If we don’t have at least one -20° night, we haven’t had winter!!🥶
    4 points
  2. Underground water line to my brothers apartment froze up......When I put that line in 15 years ago I had one point where the tree roots were pretty thick / crazy so I only buried it about 16" at that point. I sure hope it thaws before May.
    3 points
  3. it was 18 when I got up this morning too cold to ride, but I keep this fire place warm today 🥶
    2 points
  4. Not as cold as y'all but should get down to about 17 here in the Houston area. Also, Snow 4 - 6" which they just don't see here. They are putting Brine on the roads. I have to try and fly out Wednesday morning, should be interesting.
    2 points
  5. -15cel(5deg F) here in Ontario Canada! Just got in from plowing sidewalks and lane-ways(12) Had snow-suit on but didn't help much!
    2 points
  6. Brutal. 2 degrees here. Supposed to drop to 0 tonight and -10 tomorrow night.
    2 points
  7. Good morning Venture Riders. It's a brisk sunny 9 degrees in Hopkinsville Kentucky this morning. I do believe it would be a wonderful idea to fire the bike up and go for a ride. Oh WAIT, I still have a broken ankle, and I can't ride yet. 😢 I guess I will have to wait a few more weeks so I can put my boots on and ride. 😁
    1 point
  8. Growing up in NE Ohio we always put the water lines at least 32" underground. My dad was a pipefitter at Ford so we put the majority at 40". When we moved to Houston area about 20 years ago our first house had the main water line in iron pipe coming out of the ground and then into the house. To top that off the hot water tank was in the attic. I asked the realtor what idiot was doing this type of work and she said that's how it's done here.
    1 point
  9. 0 degrees Fahrenheit here in Omaha today. No riding for me this week either lol We had a hot streak before this cold snap came in. My pregnant lady and me got an hour and a half ride in Thursday, and I rode to work Thursday and Friday morning. Made for a pretty lovely end of the week last week.
    1 point
  10. There some black there in that picture,, kind of hard to see I admit, but it's clean and quiet looking.
    1 point
  11. Well for them it appears to be. This is my backyard, about 35 miles west of Houston. just a dusting. It is coming down harder now and they say we could see as much s 6". I dowbt that. High is expected to be 38 and the low tonight 17.
    0 points
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