I had some pretty rough injuries when I was a kid. Sports and jumping out of trees and off roofs, motorcross and a few other things trashed my knees. I had a Dr tell me and my parents (when I was 17 mind you) that I would probably need a knee replacement by the time I was 40. Lived in Cleveland until I was 40 and during the cold winters I couldn't decide which leg to limp on first LOL. Moved to the Houston area when I was 40 and it's been substantially better. especially since there is only about 2 months of cold and wet weather instead of 5 or 6.
I’m sorry to report that my 2024 riding season has officially ended. I put her on the lift, shut off her fuel, put on the battery tender, and promised her new shoes next season as I tucked her in under her cover and patted her trunk.