My backup bike is an identical twin to my 89 VR. Both my bikes have always been stored outside. Bonus ....the parts are interchangeable. Downside is for various reasons plus after getting cut off for the umpteenth time in mid July and not getting completely out of it unscathed (the bike not me) I am debating continuing riding 2 wheels in an environment full drivers who do not belong behind the wheel of any vehicle, possibly not even a shopping cart.
In this instant I was riding home at midnight, when an overloaded pickup coming towards me totally blinded me with his highbeams, I am talking total blackout blindness, which forced me completely back of the throttle and apply my brakes. But that wasn't enough, he than turned left in front of me to go into Tim Hortons forcing me to bank hard left in an attempt to avoid him. Thought I was going to miss him but then he suddenly stopped before going over the curb at the entrance and I ended up catching piece of him, smashing my right front signal light and cracking my fairing below it.
So as I stated there are just tooooo many incompetent drivers in my area and I am rethinking my life on a motorcycle.