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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/02/2024 in all areas

  1. I went ahead and replaced the cable. The job was more straightforward than I thought it would be. Take off the windshield trim, windshield, the hood for the speedo, which is four screws, the top two need to be removed and the bottom two just need to be loosened. I was reading on here to take out 4x 10mm nuts that hold the speedo to the frame. This is not necessary, there are two 10mm BOLTS that hold the entire frame assembly onto the bike, jut remove those two, unplug the monitor plugs and move it so you have enough room to get a pliers on the cable. All seems to be good now.
    1 point
  2. We got her up on the center stand, though we did need some help seeing as how we're a fairly small woman and don't weigh enough to lever it up there lol. But the frame looks good at least - from what we can see there's not any noticeable rot or rust. Definitely nothing broken. And she definitely runs smooth as all hell, that was honestly the reason we overlooked everything else at first; our first test ride put such a big smile on our face that we couldn't resist. @Marcarl: Followed your suggestion on problem #6 and that's sorted now! She's no longer throwing any errors so we can finally peel off the piece of electrical tape the previous owner stuck over the warning light lol. We also managed to find the missing dash chunks down in the fairing and glued them back together so the right side of the dash is at least reassembled, even if it's not in the best shape. As for #4, the screen does light up when the key's on acc, but all the buttons are unresponsive. We'll reflow the solder on the board and see if that helps. Don't get too attached - we're planning on stripping off the plastics, fixing them up and repainting as a winter project. Definitely not going to keep it gold - we're leaning towards a matte pastel pink at this point.
    1 point
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