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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/17/2024 in all areas

  1. Here are the pictures I took at Marcarl's Ontario meet and greet!Me(sleepy2 )-Ray (Paysaw)-Bob(steamer)-Wayne (Wizard765)-Carl(Marcarl)-Ben (saddlebum)-Ryan (Wayne's son-in-law)-Megan (Wayne's daughter)-EvanGary--Carl & BenEvan,Ryan & Bob Ray , Din(xv1100se),Carl, Me (sleepy2)&Ben Wayne's car,Gary's truck Ray's BMWRyan's bike Bob and Robin's new to them trike My bike Don , Ray and Wayne Megan and Ryan Robin , Ryan and headless Carl Robin (Wayne's wife)Marca and Reni Reni and Don Reinhard (ReinyRooster) hope I got everyone's name right and if I did it is first time. Thanks to Reni for adding me into a few pictures! Was a good turn out (yeh could have been a few more bikes and people but we do the best we can) good food and conversation!
    2 points
  2. Check the BRP site and see if they have a demo ride somewhere near you. I'm only 5'6", but the RT made me feel a bit cramped, although I will have to say the ones I sat on were pre 2020 models. I went with the F3 Limited. I know they make more adjustable floorboards and bars for these than the RT. Also for service I didnt like the idea of all the plastic to remove for access. I moved over from a Victory Cross Country and the steering has been probably the biggest thing for me to adjust to. But 3 months or so of ownership I'm getting accustomed to it. And having reverse is awesome.
    1 point
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