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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/15/2023 in all areas

  1. Wait for night fall then fire your bike up in the dark (also cover your head light). With a spray bottle spray your entire high voltage side of your ignition system with water while it is running and look for an early display of flickering Christmas lights.
    1 point
  2. Even if they move freely if there was any sediment in the bowel some of it may have made its way to the valves keeping them from fully closing.
    1 point
  3. Hey Daniel, I'm just going to go down the list, and if I mention something you already knew about, I apologize in advance for that! Here goes! The angle of the slots on a METRIC Phillips Screw is different than on an American Phillips Screw. So if you're trying to get a metric screw out with that crusty old Craftsman Screwdriver, then that's not gonna' work! I'm a BIG Fan of using "Nut Buster" or "Liquid Wrench" on any fasteners I am trying to remove from my bikes. Lastly, I have attached a pic of a "Must Have" Tool when working on ANY bike, and that is a Impact Driver. The one in the pic is a bit "Fancy" but Harbor Freight sells one for less than $20. that does the job just fine. It's better to start out using the Impact Driver than to destroy the screw head and try to remove it after the fact. I hope this helps, Earl.
    1 point
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