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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/10/2023 in all areas

  1. Just an update. I'm doing fine. My symptoms have been fairly minor. Thee hardest part for me has been staying home and resting. If not for the concern of giving this to one of my customers, I feel that I could have worked right through it. It's been about 5 days now since my symptoms started and I feel pretty darn good. I expect that I'll bee back to normal by Monday and back to work. I feel very fortunate.
    3 points
  2. Take the test again. 50% accuracy rate. I actually have a friend that was preparing for a cruise and tested Positive. Went to a different testing station and tested negative. He was told by his Dr to come in and take a 3rd test. They administered 2 tests at his Dr's office. On in each nostril. Lo and behold, 1 positive and one negative. I won't give the rest of my opinion as I'd probably get banned LOL.
    2 points
  3. Hey Don, Both Jean and I hope you get well soon, and don't get the "LONG HORN"!....I mean "Long Haul" Virus! I hear that you Texacan's are susceptible to that! Earl and Jean.
    1 point
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