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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/27/2023 in all areas

  1. 1 point
  2. So if the spring isn't there, then the filter could be pushed away from the block and there would be no filtration of the oil? I didn't know there was supposed to be a spring in there until I saw this post. I guess I'd better find one for my 83.
    1 point
  3. Had a diverse group of bikes yesterday, went on about 125 mile ride and my sister in law on the white scooter has never ridden more than 60 miles on her on so yesterday was quite the ride for her we did stop about half way and eat some good BBQ. Great day for a ride the weather was good the leaves are changing and the roads were not crowded, she would not get over fifty MPH so it made for a nice slow ride and even the driver got to look around to see some things.
    1 point
  4. Rode 150 miles out to Bonneville salt flats for speed week but it was a bust, track is currently flooded, they’re hoping to race Tuesday. Might take a day off work toward the end of the week and go back if they’re running. The ride was a success though five bikes, one cage and nine people in our I
    1 point
  5. With those first gens in there that could have been a flash from the past photo 😄. Nice
    1 point
  6. Put about 250 miles down on Saturday around Bear lake at the Utah Idaho border with @GreenSauce and another friend. Yami Family
    1 point
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