In my opinion, it's just fake advertising. I just looked again and DR Powers website says 10.00 per hour operational saving vs. gas. It actually takes about 2 gallons of gas to mow my yard. It takes about 3 hours to mow my yard and about 2 gallons of gas so approximately 7:00 at current gas prides here. So that's about If I factor in a yearly oil change, that equals about 35 cents per hour for the annual oil change.and filter. So it cost me about 2.45 per hour to mow my yard. So how can they advertise that the electric mower saves 10.00 per hour over a gas mower when it only costs me 10.00 per hour to mow? If it didn't coast ANYTHING to charge the electric mower, it would save me about 2.45 per hour. Then figure new batteries at 4500.00 every five tears or so on top of that. Over 5 years, 4500 for new batteries minus 1200 for gas and oil means the electric would cost me 3300.00 more to operate over 5 years PLUS the cost of charging the batteries
I'm not at all interested in an electric mower, just ran across these misleading ads while looking at various mowers. I can assure you that I will stick with gas or diesel. Most likely, gas.